The poems/stories that I have written here are mostly from middle school and you can probably guess that I was kinda depressed. The story that has no title was written last year. I hope to get some new writing on here soon.

Night's Dream

One night I dreamed of a forest.
The forest wasn't seen
The forest wasn't felt
the forest wasn't smelled
The forest was only heard
I was the only one who could hear it.

I heard the crickets chirp
I heard the birds caw
I heard the owls hoot
I heard the snake slither
I heard the monkeys talk
I could understand
I was the forest last night.

Suddenly the fierce sounds were loud
suddenly the sweet sounds I was deaf to
I the forest was depressed
I heard the night break with chain saws
I listened while I was chopped down.

Black Blanket

I cry the tears I've never cried
I feel the fears I thought had died
I since the pain that's coming back
I wish the pieces would make the puzzle whole again.

The black blanket has covered me again
I'm caught in its solid grip
In the bleeding and crying grip
In the dark and cold grip
And I don't want it

Not Titled

He lay on the hard wood floor. He was waiting, hoping. He hoped she would stay away like he told her to. He decided it was for the best. He didn't want her to turn out like all the rest. He hoped the cage would hold. He hoped she wouldn't come back. He would regret it if he woke up next to her corpse. He had done that with so many others. He never cared about them. She was special. He loved her. She must stay away.
The moon rose through the window. He felt the hair grow, his knees inverted, his back hunched, his teeth grew, his hands turned into claws. He looked and found that he was trapped. He had to get out. The cage burst open. A door creaked. A voice. A smell of sweet perfume. Her cheeks were wet. He licked his chops. He growled and leaped. She screamed. Her fate was decided.

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