EPIDSODE: The Gamemaster

REVIEWED BY: The DarkSider
THE PLOT: The episode begins with a fellow named The Gamemaster setting a master plan in motion.  Turns out he is a guy addicted to games that he plays with his toy clown.  He quickly becomes bored with everyday games and decides to up the ante.  He sets out to collect a few fine specimens for a survival of the fittest type game. 

He is able to abduct Flint and Lady Jaye from the Joes who are dressed in civilian clothing.  He also is able to abduct The Baroness who is bikini clad in some sort of spa.  He wraps up his collection with Cobra Commander who is replaced by a robot. 

Destro finds out right away that Cobra Commander has been taken.  He believes that the Joes have taken them hostage.  Meanwhile at the Joe base, Duke and his troops believe that Cobra has taken Flint and Lady Jaye hostage.   Plans are set into motion on both sides to get their troops back.

The hostages of the Gamemaster awake to find themselves in an odd realm.  The Gamemaster lets them know right away that hidden on the island is a one man helicopter.  Whoever gets to it first can leave the island but the other three will die. 

Immediately a battalion of toy soldiers come into the room and the group makes a run for it.  They run outside and down a hill which Cobra Commander falls comically down.  Cobra Commander and The Baroness split up from Flint and Lady Jaye. 

Cut to Ace who is off to find Cobra in Greenland.  He is shot down by Cobra and is taken hostage by Destro.  Back on the Gamemaster�s island, Flint and Lady Jaye find out that the land is made of candy.  They are ambushed by The Baroness and Cobra Commander who utilize candy canes to knock Lady Jaye into a river of butterscotch.

Cobra Commander is knocked into the river which creates a problem for the fighting Flint/Baroness.  They both agree that if one rescues their ally, that will leave someone open for a double team opportunity. They solve this by rescuing each other�s enemy out of the river of butterscotch.  They do this successfully and continue to explore the island.  Meanwhile, Duke and company invade Zartan�s stronghold who is working on swam flu viruses. 

Back on the Gamemaster�s island, the group talks about what the plans are going to be.  This is interrupted when a gigantic, fire-breathing mechanical dinosaur chases them away.  During the scuffle Flint makes a bold move in save Cobra Commander�s life.  However, unfortunately for him it causes his apparent demise in the process.  A bunch of mechanical guys in suits throw Flint into a coffin under Lady Jaye�s tearful eyes.  The Gamemaster lets them know that there is one down and three to go. 

Cut to the Cobra base where Destro is interrogating the captured Ace about the missing Cobra members.  Ace insists that he knows nothing of this and demands to know where the missing Joes are being kept.  This is interrupted when Destro gets a message from Duke and company about having Zartan as their hostage.   Long story short, both sides figure out a third party is involved with the disappearances. 

Back on the Gamemaster�s island, Flint pops out of the coffin very much alive.  He shoves all the mechanical men in suits into his would be grave.  Across the island, the remaining three contestants find and fight over the helicopter.   The Gamemaster sends in a huge lawnmower which crushes the helicopter and chases the three contestants. 

Flint surprises the Gamemaster when he walks into his control booth.  The Gamemaster stands up to reveal that he is quite a large guy.  During their scuffle Flint is able to turn off the huge lawnmower while the Gamemaster throws a hissy fit.  Flint is able to radio to the Joe base and Breaker is able to zero on their location.  Duke orders that Cobra is to be let known of the location as well.

Both Joe and Cobra forces head out to the Gamemaster�s island.  A huge battle ensues with the combine Joe/Cobra forces against the Gamemaster�s toy legions.  Cobra and the Joes work nicely together and The Gamemaster accepts defeat.  He quickly leaves the island and swears that there will be another game in the future.
This is awarded to the Gamemaster who maybe should have picked up some GI Joe dolls from Hasbro to win the fight.  Um wait a minute...never mind...


�Rust In Peace�
Flint to the funeral men in suits when he throws them into his would be grave.

COBRA SUPPORT GROUP (a positive approach to Cobra�s f*ck ups)
Mistake #1
Cobra Commander was easily abducted by the Gamemaster and turned into a whiny, clownish character the entire episode.

Possible Solution: I say do that every episode, he was one funny mother f*cker. 


The PSA we decided to feature for this review involves a bunch of kids demonstrating poor sportsmanship.  The kids, who are playing baseball, get involved in a heated discussion about if a kid was out or safe.  Cutter arrives to explain that fighting doesn�t solve anything and look for a better way to solve the problem. 

DarkSider Says: Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold on a f*cking minute here.   This advice from a guy who wears a Red Sox cap?  Apparently he has never been to a Yankee vs The Red Sox affair.  I�d be more than happy to say that knowing is less than 1/100000000 of the battle for this PSA.
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