Adult Link, The Legend of Zelda
Ok, I'll admit it, until recently I was a complete Legend of Zelda heathen. Before the Game Cube remake of Ocarina of Time I hadn't played ANY of the Zelda games. I feel so...dirty. But after playing OoT I can safely say that Link is a really cool character ^^. Upon beating the game I had an urge to draw a picture of Link and the triforce on his hand. The problem was I didn't know how I should go about it. After much trial and error this pose seemed to be best. Heehee, I like how the Triforce is all glowy ^^. I tried to cg it but...well, long story short, it looked very bad. Oh yea, his torso is all floaty-in-the-airy because I don't like drawing men in tight pants. They always turn out with girly legs...


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