Mat, The Wheel of Time
There aren't really that many admirable qualities about Mat. When he discovers a horrible secret about his best friend he turns his back on him, and when he finally comes to accept it he can't see his old friend again. He's greedy, cares only about himself and is something of a womaniser, impatient and the typical raucous kid down the street that turns the music up really loud and does nothing but eat potato chips and play video games all day (metaphorically, WoT takes place in a Medeival-type fanasty world). But there's still something about him that's appealing. He's a master thief and gambler, and expert at the spear, quarterstaff and bow, and a tactical genious (though not of his own accord, not the books). I guess it's because despite all his bad qualities, he always ends up doing what's right, and he wants to, even if he always seems to want to kick himself for doing so ^^.


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