Riku, Kingdom Hearts, and Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII
RedRiku XV and I always wondered what would happen if Sora and Riku somehow went through the portal to the world where FF VII takes place. We decided that Cloud would begrudgingly "adopt" Sora in a big-brotherly fashion and slowly grow to like "the kid" *as he would probably call him*, and Sephiroth would take Riku under his wing and tend to call him "boy." We had a bunch of ideas for a fanfic going, like Cloud and Sora would be on a quest to find whatever evil is rising and Sephiroth and Riku would "understand" each other and the whole "being a puppet" thing. Anyway, the story didn't fly, but here's one of the drawings we did for it. RedRiku sketched the models but she didn't like how it came out. I, however, did and so I filled in the details.


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