Sora and Riku, "Battle and Betrayal", Kingdom Hearts
Don't ask my what the hell I was thinking when I drew this picture, I honestly don't know myself. I guess it was probably during one of those arguments our group was having about Sora and Riku, the Riku haters against Shannon and Jenny. I'm not gonna release my personal views about Riku on this site, because no matter what I say about him one of my friends is going to HURT me. If you can't see what's going on due to the sketchy and messy drawing *it would look cool watercolored, don't you think?* it's a fight between Sora and Riku, with Riku currently holding the upper hand. He's holding Sora up by the hood of his overshirt and about to cut his head off. I guess I must have been feeling angsty at the time too, because I would probably shoot myself before letting anything happen to Sora ^^


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