The Fellowship, The Lord of the Rings
I love this doodle!! This spawned from an idea by Misti after I succumbed to my creampuff fetish, saying that they were calling to me CAN YOU HEAR THEM??? Uh, anyway, we joked that creampuffs were like the One Ring, and we came up with a little idea that what if instead of the One Ring, Sauron had a One Creampuff? And the Fellowship was on a quest to destroy it and on the way to Mordor Pippin ate it? Think about it ^^.
*If you can't read what they're all saying, here's the "script":
from left to right:
Gandalf: Fool of a Took!
Aragorn: *yes, that's Aragorn* We're in trouble...
Pippin: He'ey! A creampuff!!
Legolas: He's...eating...Sauron's...Creampuff...
Sam: *grumble grumble*
Frodo: ...
Merry: *slapping is forehead* PIPPIN, YA STUPID FUCK!!


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