Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Graphics: 10
Storyline: 9
Gameplay: 8
Fun Factor: 8
Ending: 10
Relay Value: 9
Overall: 9

Graphics: The visuals in this game were indeed incredibly impressive, with the unique art style the Shin Megami Tensei series is famous for the bizarre world of Digital Devil Saga is truly brought to life in it's own unique way.

Storyline: This is where the game shines. Five clans are supposed to be killing each other's leaders for control of a land known as the junk yard in which the clan that rules over the land shall be taken to a place known as Nirvana. You are the Embryon, a weaker clan competing against the also weak Vanguards, during a battle a strange object shoots from the sky and a mysterious light shoots forth, hitting all on the field. Every person in the junkyard thus becomes a demonic monster with the insatiable appetite for human flesh. How ever they have the ability to resume their human forms and typically only transform for battle. After their first transformation, the Embryon Clan comes across a strange girl named Sara who says she intends to help them reach Nirvana. All clans begin to pursue her for her special abilities. One will notice during the game that no one in the junk yard has much memories of a normal life besides battle. They don't know any emotion, nor do they even know what a song is, but through Sara and many battles the inhabitants of the junkyard begin to find themselves. This truly adds to the character development and most will grow on the player.

Gameplay: A turn based battle system activated by random battles, encounter rates are rather high and can get frustrating when a player wants to be somewhere, but the battle system becomes rather fun once you learn to take advantage of abilities. Using the weakness system one can exploit their enemies weakness and add another turn to their set, or perhaps frighten the enemy into being vulnerable to critical attacks. One can also eat their enemy at this stage and gain ability points called Atma. You use these to gain abilities. The main character is fully customizable given three skill points per level. There's no weapon system, only stats but you can acquire ammunition for your human form. Though human form is weaker than demon there will be times where the human form is quite useful. All and all the game is fun to play.

Replay Value: Being able to start a new game with all your skills acquired is fun, not to mention there's a ton of secrets you may miss the first time around.

Ending: Definitely a must see.

Overall: One of the greatest RPGs in a very underrated series. If simple mainstream games like Final Fantasy weren't upstaging this series maybe it wouldn't be so hard to get your hands on a copy... Rent or buy: Can't rent anymore, the game's too rare. You'll likely have to borrow a copy if a friend has it, otherwise be prepared to fork over 100 bucks on ebay. Reid out.

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