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The latest Dasart Project: Transmigrations : Rituals & Items.

Dasart paints out the Military (22K)

Dasart is dedicated to developing a new, virile vision which would promote a symbiotic relationship between humanity and the environment.  The idea of the 'individual self' is seen as ideological and in need of de-emphasis. A broader conception of humanity would seek to include the environment within its self-identity, rather than separate to it. This means that raw Capitalist expansionism would be eating from its own corpus. Capitalism is, in spite of this, identified as a manifestation of the biological life-force within all things. Communism is merely a subset of the Capitalist mindset, the main difference being hierarchical formation.

It is imperative to develop a new philosophy of space and time so that we can identify on an innate level with the environment. Art and culture, including language, are biological expressions. We deny that these elements accrue only from contact within the social environment and assert that they are based on genetic expressions from within the human corpus which are projected into society. In other words, we are just like the animals, even with regard to developments like language. For humanity to survive into the 21st century, we will need to reappraise our nature and our relationship to the land. A key tool for this is the virility of perception. Our powers of perception have become functionally dysfunctional so that we are slaves to certain perceptions of reality. Dasart wishes to see again with its whole being and visualizing via its materials become capable of spawning a new awareness (see essay Dead End : Dog Art for further clarification of these ideas).

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