The Sophie Bold fanpage

This page is dedicated to the actress Sophie Bold. She's not exactly the most famous actress in the world, so there's not really a great deal of material about her! I'm hoping that might change and she might end up becoming the Next Big Thing, but even if that doesn't happen, this little page will continue to exist to tell the world just how darned good an actress she is.

Well, here's what I know about her. She's English, was born on March 2nd 1974, and has lived most of her life in London. She has blue eyes, is 5ft 9ins tall (according to her Spotlight entry!) and at the age of 13 appeared in the BBC's children's serial Aliens in the Family. After that, she was in a Screen Two production with David Burke, and then she continued with her schooling, went to New College (Oxford University) where she read history, and trained at RADA. Now 26, she lives in London with a kitten called Matilda.

In the last couple of years, she has been getting back into acting, with a string of stage credits including Karen in Speed-the-Plow (Edinburgh Festival and national tour for the Birmingham Stage Company), Sarah in The Norman Conquests and Laura in The Glass Menagerie (both Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich), Carol in Oleanna (Birmingham Stage Company and New End Theatre, Hampstead), and Rosalind in As You Like It (RNT tour). TV work includes something called Starting Out. All of that information is from the programme for her current play, and if you like you can look up her entry in the UK Theatre Web database here.

For the moment, Sophie's concentrating on stage work. She was recently in Mademoiselle Colombe at the Bridewell Theatre in London. Honor Blackman and Donald Pickering got top billing, which was understandable as they were the biggest names in the cast, but ignore any publicity you may have seen which suggests that Blackman was the star - basically it was Sophie's show, as she played the title character and spent pretty much all the show on stage (apart from the odd scene here and there).

After Mademoiselle Colombe Sophie has a lesser role in the next play at the Bridewell, Bridges and Harmonies, which is running from Saturday 9th December at 7:30pm (not Mondays), with matinées on the Sundays at 3:30pm. You can contact the Bridewell box office on 020 7936 3456. NB, it is a much lesser role, but the play is well worth seeing anyway. Sophie reveals that she has a wonderful singing voice, although she mimes playing the piano.

She's a wonderfully sweet young lady - I've had the good fortune to meet and speak with her before and after some of the performances of Mademoiselle Colombe and Bridges and Harmonies, and she was really sweet and friendly and down-to-earth. (And I quite enjoyed it when she hugged me, too...) Sophie gave such a tour-de-force performance in Mademoiselle Colombe that I'd be surprised if she doesn't find herself fêted as a bright young star-in-the-making. If (when?) that does happen, I sure hope she doesn't let fame go to her head! Here's a review of Mademoiselle Colombe from The Stage, and here's one of Bridges and Harmonies from Time Out.

If you get the chance, do go and see her on stage. You can write to her c/o her agents,

TCG Artist Management,
Tarry Cranmer-Gordon,
Garden Studios
11-15 Betterton Street,
Covent Garden,
London WC2H 9BP.

Here are some photos I have of Sophie. Click on the thumbnail to view the full size image. If you have any more pictures of Sophie, please e-mail them to me.

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
6.) 7.)Sophie cool, sharp, sophisticated and darned sexy woman..! 8.) 9.) 10.)

1.) Signed publicity photo of Sophie.

2.) Another publicity photo of Sophie. She says she likes this one of her. Who am I to argue? Although with so few pictures of her around (or at least for me to choose from) expressing a preference for one over another reminds me somewhat of a comment I once heard from Alan Bennett, who said, "To ask me whether I'm gay or heterosexual is like asking a thirsty man dying in the desert whether he would prefer Evian or Volvic to drink." J

3.) Current promotional leaflet for the Bridewell Theatre, which has this rather nice photo of Sophie, and her Mademoiselle Colombe co-star Neal Foster, on the front.

4.) A picture I downloaded of Sophie in As you like it. Unfortunately, it's not very large so as presented here it's not wonderful.

5.) The advertising postcard for Mademoiselle Colombe. Not a picture of Sophie as such, but notable for bearing the legend "Introducing Sophie Bold". So, like, she hadn't existed before or something? Despite the fact that I'd heard of her back in 1987? J

6.) A picture from the Radio Times which accompanied the repeat of episode 3 of Aliens in the Family. Sophie the tomboy. She's much more feminine nowadays, though. By the way, Sophie's the one on the right.

7.) One of a set of pictures taken of Sophie after Mademoiselle Colombe at the Bridewell Theatre on Saturday October 7th 2000. Here, Sophie being one sharp sophisticated woman. Miaow...

8.) "Look! It's me! Spot the difference!"

9.) Sophie and the creator of this 'ere webpage.

10.) Another of me and Sophie together - this one signed.

I'll endeavour to keep this page as up-to-date with new information as possible, but if you have any information to add to this page, do please e-mail me!

Legal disclaimer bit: This page has no official connection to the actress Sophie Bold, her agents, or anyone else connected to her. It is entirely the work of David Brider and © David Brider, 2000. Certain photographs and pictures appearing on this page have been reproduced from magazines and other sources. If you feel that you should be credited as the copyright holder of a particular picture, or would like a picture to be removed for copyright reasons, please e-mail the webmaster accordingly.

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