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Ages Of Myst
Ages Of Myst Boxshot. The cd-rom games that set new standards in interactive entertainment and storytelling. Ages of Myst contains full-versions of Myst and Riven plus a unique fifth-year commemorative item. Myst is the surrealistic adventure that became the world for over 4 million fans who journeyed to an island full of mystery, to unravel a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice. In Riven: The Sequel to Myst, you enter an ever more challenging world, torn apart by age-old conflicts and secrets. Summon every spark of intellect and intuition, only then will you learn the truth about this troubled land and its inhabitants.

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Price and Requirements
Publisher: Red Orb
Requirements:Pentium-100, 16 MB RAM, 4X CD-ROM, SVGA w/ 1MB, sound board, 80 MB free hard drive space, Windows 95; Windows 98
Product Code:DAT61
RRP:$89.95 AU
Our Price:$70 AU

Related Titles
Bullet. Myst
Bullet. Riven: The Sequel to Myst

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