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Prince Of Persia 3D
Prince Of Persia 3D Boxshot. Prince of Persia returns in glorious 3D transporting you to a magical fantasy Ancient Persian world in the ultimate game of agility, hand-to-hand combat and problem-solving. Uses advanced 3D technology to combine the fast-action combat of a fighting game with the depth and immersion of the classic adventure/action game.

Buy It!

Price and Requirements
Developer: Red Orb
Publisher: Red Orb
Requirements: Pentium-233, 64MB RAM, 300 MB free hard drive space, 4X CD-ROM, 3D accelerator with 8MB RAM, sound card, DirectX 6.0, QuickTime 4.0, Windows 95; Windows 98
Product Code:DAT66
RRP:$89.95 AU
Our Price:$70 AU

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