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A&E Biography: Richard 'Nightstalker' Ramirez

A collection of media about devil-worshipping serial killer 'The Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez. A fascinating case. From his humble beginnings in El Paso, TX, where as a teenager would take refuge in a local cemetary from an abusive father, was teased by classmates becasue of his difference in looks, when one day he hopped aboard a bus for Los Angeles, where he thieved homes for money for whores & drugs {particularly cocaine, which he used introveinously}, resided in seedy hotels. After dropping out of highschool, he eventualy became an atheist until his crimes eventually landed him in jail, where he, unlike many other inmates, found 'Satan' instead of 'Jesus' through another inmate. From there on out, he vowed to be the most devout devil-worshipper he could be, & thus, to please his 'master', decided to go on his now infamous killing spree after having made a pact with 'the devil', in exchange for hellish protection from the Police force.

For much of his homicidal galavanting, it seemed to have been working, primarily due to police incompetence, lack of cooperation with other law enforcement agencies {counter-productive pride}, & the chattering idiocy of San Francisco mayor {at the time} Feinstein, who completely undermined the investigation when she mentioned crucial information on evidence & facts about the case out over the public airwaves, thus tipping off Ramirez, who forthwith eliminated relics on his person {Avia shoes & his gun} that could have led to an earlier capture - both of which he threw off the Golden Gate bridge, never to be recovered. Could it have been... Satan!?

Even when he went to visit with his uncle in Colorado, who was the one who initially taught him how to kill, deriving from his Vietnam training; he could not contact him, on his way back, Police had set up a stake-out operation looking for anyone seeking to leave L.A., but they were not expecting The Nightstalker to be entering the city. So he just exited stage left, as it were, when he noticed the Police presence. Again, he had eluded capture. Perhaps even more remarkable was the instance in which he was stopped for running a red light - he was asked to step to the rear of the vehicle, placing his hands on the car. While doing so, he decided to draw a pentagram on it.

Finally, an acquaintance of Ramirez's was intensely questioned until he finally gave up the name. Now the Police had a mugshot, instead of the misleading drawings thusfar.

While he searched out another brother in the L.A. area, he was recognized; more & more people recognized him. He panicked, ran for two miles, until he sought to steal a car from some ghetto woman, to which her husband took a pipe to Ramirez - ironically, it was the Police who saved him. The rest is history - he currently awaits execution in San Quentin.

Since his capture, he has granted interviews, submitted artwork to underground publications, to websites, was visited by Zeena Schreck, has been the subject of several biographies, got married, & enjoys conjugal visits. This goes to show that if you murder, & have a gimmick, you can reach celebrity status.

One time, the Nightstalker was incarcerated next cell over from one Sean Penn {big whoop} for his photographer-beating incident, when Ramirez asked for his autograph, he wrote back that as an inmate, he could not help but feel some kind on affinity for others also incarcerated, but he could not feel any for Ramirez. To which he confidently answered, "Dear Sean, keep in touch, & hit 'em again." Agreed.

All this reminds Me of My own experience with the Nightstalker case. My father was a court interpreter for the county, & on this particular occasion, I accompanied him to the Downtown Courthouse. He was working in the chamber several doors down from where Ramirez was to attend another court date. So I decided to sit in. All were patted down at the door. News cameras were left & right. I had gotten to talking with a cute girl sitting beside Me, when the bailiff called out for standing for the entrance of the Judge, soon followed by the emergence of The Nightstalker. At one point he looked back at the crowd, when our gazes met for all about three seconds. It is interesting how in the subsequent courtroom appearance, he spoke about "Legions of the Night, repeat not the errors of The Nightstalker... show no mercy."

There was no mention of Dr. LaVey's comment on Ramirez. For those who are unaware, while in San Francisco, he sought to speak to the Doktor while checking his P.O. Box, to which Doc responded, "I don't do business on the street. Mail Me at My P.O. Box." To which Ramirez resinded politely. Later, as relayed by HP Barton, in her book "The Secret Life of A Satanist", LaVey wonders that if he had granted a few more words with Ramirez, if he may taken a more productive path.

Also not mentioned in the presentation {Circa XXXII A.S.}, is Sgt. Randy Emon, "Satan Sleuth" {who appeared on "Inside Edition", & Pace Setters" displaying My artwork & poetry without My permission. It was featured on channels 7 & 9.}. He worked on the Nightstalker case, serving in the capacity of "occult investigator/advisor" - a so-called "expert" - I AM a Satanist - I AM the "expert"! He thought to squelch some cultish "information" from Me, probably secretly wishing he could gain a 'scoop', about ritual sacrifi8ces up in the hills. Well, I decided to give him an earful of bogus "information", about some nefarious goings-on in "The Valley", whose ceremonial grounds were guarded by "Gate Keepers". I also learned these fictional tales were being used at his "Occult Seminars", one of which I attended incognito. It was entertaining.

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