Esci Middle Imperial Roman Auxilia
Esci Middle Imperial Roman Auxilia

These are my Ax(O) elements for a Middle Imperial Roman DBA army. Each figure is mounted on it's own base, which is in turn plonked onto an Auxilia sized base. As they are removable (they are only held onto the Ax base with double sided tape (most of my bases are balsa - this wouldn't work with cardboard)), I can also easily re-base them to make spear elements (well three figures per Sp base is better than none!), or use them individually for skirmish encounters.

As for the figures them selves, they are just Esci Romans with their armour cut off with a sharp knife. Sounds more fiddly than it actually was, because the lorica secmenta armour was well moulded, well defined, and I had a sharp knife (an essential!). This leaves a nice simple figure with just a tunic and helmet. The shields are carboard with a hand painted sun (I doubt if that's historicaly accurate, it was the easiest pattern I could manage!), and the trousers are just painted straight onto the figures bare legs.


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