Ken's Shields

(December 2002)

Ken's Shield Punch

Ken Gordon sent me this quick and easy idea for making plastic shields...

Here is a pic of my hole punches with some samples; they really are very useful. You can use a hammer with the punch to get a quick cut or rotate it to saw through the plastic. By cutting the 'oval' out of the circle you get a nice pelta. I've still yet to work out how to get a nice theuros / scutum though.

The lid is from a 'pringles crisp box' or 'tuppaware' I don't know if these translate. Its soft polythene like the figures but you can use the punch on plasticard as well.

I must admit I've not tried it on cardboard or balsa but it might work.


Thanks Ken, that's a very clever idea you've got there.


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