Real Wargaming

Ah, but just what is "real" wargaming? It can hardly be called truly authentic to move around hugly overscale figures (when compared to their terrain) and consider it to be reasonably representative of how a battle actually looked like. Where's the blood and guts? Where's the severed limbs?! (Actually have a look at my Orcs to see some dog chewing on various body parts!)

What I'm trying to get at is the convention of using 3 or 4 miniature figurenes to represent a couple of hundred fighting men. When you compare the size of the miniature to the size of its base, and the scaled down area on the battlefield that the base is supposed to represent, a 20mm miniature would tower over the battlefield like the Empire State building! It's all a question of scale.

(Click here to have a look at some variations on the theme of DBx basing)


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