Revell Romans

Revell Roman Legionaries

(note the effect blacklining has had on the front element)

Here are some of my Revell legionary (Blade) elements. As I stated, these are the only poses that pass for Early Imperial (and Middle Imperial as well). However, because I've got so many Revell figures (I have just been given another pack - thanks David!), I can pull together a decent number of the same element, giving a nice, ever so slightly animated, regular look about them. The rest of the figures have a variety of armour types, and so don't look good as "animated" legionaries, because they all look so different, like they don't belong together.

I figure it doesn't matter quite as much for the auxilia, so my Revel Ax elements all have three (soon to be four) different poses on them, which makes them easily stand out from their legionari counterparts.


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