Revell Celts

Revell Celts, with an Airfix stantard bearer

These Revell figures look pretty good, resplendant as they are with lots of muscle bound He-Men! The one in the light blue trousers, holding up his sword, looks like Conan the Barbarian with a hat! The standard bearer is actually an Airfix figure.

Note the bases. Each figure has it's own individual base (made of balsa), which is them attacthed to an especially constructed warband base (again, made of balsa) with double sided tape. This allows the figures to either be used individually in scirmish games, or grouped together for DBx games. This will only work with balsa. The tape sticks well to the wood, but doesn't adhere to it completly, thus allowing the bases to be seperated, although, you'll probably have to replace the tape after sticking and unsticking the bases together a couple of times, which is easy (and cheap) enough to do. If you trying doing it with carboard it won't work - the tape will not allow the figures to seperate from their communal base.

They have then been covered with sand (actually bird grit from a pet shop!), painted green, and then highlighted yellow.

Below are some shots of the same Revel figures, as done by Tony De Lyall. The middle figure on the front right element is actually an Airfix one, as are a couple of figures on the rear left element.

Gallic Warband

Gallic Warband

Here are some close ups from my Cabot's Interior Varnish Stain page...

Cabot's Interior Varnish Stain take...

Cabot's Interior Varnish Stain take two...


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