Stan's Converts

Stan's Conversion of a Ps into an Ax

Young Stan Walker has done a very clever thing. He's taken the heads off some Zvezda Greek archers and swapped them with some slingers, giving the converted slinger figure not only a new head/helmet, but also a peltist's shield and [bristle cut to length and end flattened/shaped] javelin. Hence turning some stone slinging Ps into javelin throwing Ax.

Way cool!

Since I took the digital photo above, he's been fiddling around with some more conversions this time involving some spare HaT Baeleric slingers that I had lying around. Again, very clever!

He sent me the following scans of his work and the little explaination bit below...

Stan's Ax Conversions

Stan's Ax Conversions

Stan's Ax Conversions


  1. Decapitate your 2 figures.

  2. Use a pin/tack thing to make a starter hole in the neck & head.

  3. Use pliers to push a staple into the hole in the neck.

  4. Cut staple so about 2-3 mm sticking out.

  5. Align and push the head onto the staple.

Stans Ax Conversions


2 boxes of Zvezda Greeks give ample Hoplites, and Psiloi for DBA arnies, but not enough Aux. So until the Hat Greek Lights & Thracians arrive...

Anyway, I thought the archer with the helmet was a bit 'heavy' for a Ps.


Stan [The Younger]


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