Esci Zulu's

Zulu's on Dinaours - a closer view

Zulu's on Dinaours

Dinasour riding Zulu's!

These are my Behemouth elements for my Hordes of the Things fantasy Zulu army. I know the Zulu's didn't have dinasours, but I have heaps of Esci Zulu's that are just screaming out to be made into horde elements, so I made up my own HOTT army list to accomodate them! It's sort of a lost civilisation sort of thing.

The top shot is one of my first efforts with a borrowed digital camera, whereas the second picture is a scan of a photo taken with an SLR with a zoom (as instead of a macro) lens. Sorry about the picture quality, who would have thought the terrain cloth would photograph so dark!


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