Dragonball/Z Movie Legends (Z-Fighters vs. Turles & Squad)

Z-Fighters vs. Turles & Squad

The Z-Fighters come across Turles squad, Goku gives them a chance to leave peacefully, but they wouldn't. So a "Deceive Battle for Earth" began. Tien & Chaozu fired a ki blast at the short purple twins, Raisin & Rakasei. One kicked Chaozu and the other headbutted Tien. Tien used his Solar Flare technique (the only time Tien used this technique in ALL of DBZ) to blind them. Krillin used the Kienza (oh, lord) against Almond. He spinned around in circles really fast to send it back to the monk, that almost cut him (Frieza!). He's huffing and puffing and he says, "Damn." The scene changes to Yamcha as he performs the Soukidan. He throws at Kakao, which goes all around him and through the ground and hits him. He's unfazed and Yamcha & him have a little hand-to-hand combat. Kakao crushes him into the ground. Goku blasts Kakao and call out for his falling comrade. Daizu throws a ki blast at Goku and he deflects it with his own and fires one at Kakao again. Goku flies in between the two, stick out his arms and fires two powerful ki blasts at Daizu & Kakao. One of the purple twins is chasing Chaozu, while throwing several ki blast at him. One of them hits him and just when he was about to finish a ki blast came from no where. Gohan comes into the scene saving his friend (you all probably though it was Piccolo). Gohan fired his Masenko blast at the twin. Turles is interested in the boys power. Turles meets up with Gohan (he though Turles was his father). He notice Gohan have the power level of 10,000. Then, his scouter picked up a power level at 18,000 (you guess it). Piccolo comes flying down telling Turles to let the boy go. The saiyan threw Gohan into namek and came up from behind, firing a ki blast at them both. Turles make a powerball that turns Gohan into a Oozaru and starts to go on a rampage. Piccolo tells Goku to cut off his tail. Turles blasts Piccolo again. Goku & Haiya Dragon got Gohan to stop his rampage. Turles gets mad and does a special ki blast (don't know what it's called, but I call it the Atomic Blast) that would kill Gohan. Goku used a Kienza to cut off Gohan's tail (in a nick of time, too) turning him back into human form. Goku catches him in the pond or lake (Note: In the american version after goku caught Gohan, he said, "My son, my only son." I thought that was a touching moment.). Goku denies his Saiyan heritage, claiming that he's happy to have been hit on the head as a child, rather than growing up to be like Turles. Goku takes on Turles' minions, while Piccolo fights Turles. The namek's Makankosappo had no effect on Turles. Turles blast Piccolo away with a ki attack that looks like Bakuhatsuha (except his hand was palmed out). Goku defeated Turles' minions and ready to take him down. Turles ran for the fruit, cause Goku's power level was 30,000 and still rising. He takes a bite of the fruit and becomes more stronger than Goku. He knocks Goku into the tree and knees him into it again. Then, he double whammy the saiyan of earth into the ground. Goku got up and used the Kaioken x10 and was still no make for the saiyan. The weaken Z-Fighters tried to stop him, but they were beaten also. Goku could hear his friends & son's thoughts and realize he couldn't give up. The saiyan made a Spirit Ball, but due to the lack of lifeforce, cause of the tree, the Spirit Ball wasn't strong enough. Turles easily counter the attack. Goku absorbed the energy from the tree and made a Super Spirit Ball to kill Turles and destroy the tree. Afterwards, the Spirit Ball breaks up, and the lifeforce energy repairs the damage from the tree.
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