Dragonball/Z Movie Legends (Z-Fighters vs. Devil Clan)

Z-Fighters vs. Devil Clan

Gohan has just been shot down by Slugg's foot soldiers. Piccolo comes in and save his butt (again). The Devil Clan talked some trash and Piccolo told them they couldn't beat them (he meant him). Piccolo levitated and started flying backwards (showoff), while Dorodabo chased him. They got onto a roof top, where Piccolo broke Dorodabo's arm and kicked off the roof. Dorodabo runs into the build hoping to sneak attack Piccolo when he comes down after him. Wrong. Piccolo came down through the ceiling. You Dorodabo getting blasted out of the build through the window. Piccolo walks towards the demon. Dorodabo told him to join them, while begging for mercy. Piccolo sticks his hand out and blasts Dorodabo's head off killing him. Metamucha used his leeches to absorb all of Gohan's energies. Just when Metamucha & Angira were about to finish Gohan. Piccolo flies toward Gohan to save him. Angira extended his arms to grab the namek., but he blasted him off with his eye beams. Piccolo shield the boy's body with his own leaving them down.

Goku & Krillin come in to the scene. Goku gave them a chance to surrender, but they wouldn't. Angira extended his arms through the ground holding Goku's legs, while Metamucha's leeches absorb his power. Metamucha jumps above Goku. Goku punches straight up into Metamucha's stomach. Goku uses his ki to get the leeches off of him. Angira fires a ki blast from his mouth towards Goku. Goku sends it back with his own ki blast right into Angira's mouth and the Devil Clan is out.
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