Dragonball/Z Movie Legends (Goku & Vegeta vs. Janenba)

Goku & Vegeta vs. Janenba

Dai Kaio suspends the Budoukai to let Pikehan and Goku run off to Yemma's Gate House to resolve the problem. At first, they try to play with Janenba, until Goku starts getting mad. Unfortunately, Janenba can do transdimensional tricks, and it punches one way, only to have his fist appear elsewhere to blindside Goku. Pikehan is told by Dai Kaio to try to free Yemma (eventually, Pikehan realizes that by swearing and insulting people, he can make the magic crystal crack and flake off.) Janenba can also make copies of itself, as well as warping Goku so that the saiyan will appear in front of his own Kamehameha. Goku switches up to SSJ 3 and pummels Baby Janenba. The creature melts, only to turn into the next-stage version -- Evil Janenba. Goku wonders, "Who is this guy?" Janenba now uses a series of warp tricks and trashes SSJ3 Goku. Goku escapes deeper into Hell, first hiding in the Bloody Pond; then he gets rescued by the dead Vegeta. (Vegeta reminds Goku that only he has the right to destroy him.) Vegeta attacks Janenba, and also gets beaten. Vegeta's body flies towards the Mountain of Needles, and is caught by Goku. Goku tries to get Vegeta to do the Fusion technique with him, but the Saiyan Prince would rather die first (Goku points out that Vegeta is dead.) Vegeta's pride is tearing him up, and Janenba attacks the mountain, causing Goku to grab Vegeta's shoulder and teleporting them both to somewhere else. Vegeta relents, and Goku shows him the Fusion pose. Vegeta is appalled at the idea of having to do something so stupid. But, there is no time left, so the two of them perform Fusion. Vegeta forgets to extend his right forefinger, and the resulting Fat fusion character called Veku attracts Janenba's attention. The ensuing battle is plain slapstick (Veku's only successful attack is a series of foul-smelling farts.) At the last moment, just as Janenba is going to destroy Veku, the Fusion wears off (it took 30 minutes) and the two Saiyan run away again. West Kaio telepaths out that Vegeta botched the pose. So, they try again. And are interrupted by Janenba. Pikehan succeeds in breaking the magic crystal, and he confront Janenba to give Goku and Vegeta more time. Janenba apparently kills the dead Pikehan just as they finally fused together. Gogeta is formed. Trunks and Goten are still fighting against bad guys (Hitler's army). On Earth, Goten and Trunks sense the energy levels of their fathers, and the two boys also do the Fusion Dance to become Gotenks and uses the Super Battle Bomber Attack to create 100 exploding ghosts to destroy Hitler's armies. Gogeta punches Janenba up a bit before performing "The Crystal Wave". The attack blows up in the monster's chest, and all of the evil within it dissappears. Psych returns to normal, takes one look at Gogeta and runs away screaming. Yemma is back in charge, and the dead all return to Hell, including Vegeta (Vegeta says that he never wants to fuse with Goku again).
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