Dragonball/Z Movie Legends (News & Stuff)

News & Stuff

If anyone has questions, comments, ideas, news or anything DBZ or anime convention related, email me at [email protected].

Rumors on Dragonball Z Movie:
-I was exploring on the internet and I came across this site called Dragonball Z Live-Action Movie. It had interesting info on the live action movie. I'm unsure if it's true or not, but some of the stuff doesn't sound too bad. I guess you have to see for yourself. Due to difficulties the movie is pushed back. As I know of they are still in the EARLY stages of making the movie so alot of changes are still be made. The new script is not even definite yet. There's somewhat of a cast listed (I hope it's true that Jessica Alba will be playing Bulma). Here's a "short" summary of the new script they have so far. (Remember, I'm NOT sure if any of this is true or not.)

Basically, Goku was sent to earth when he was a baby before his homeworld was destroyed. He was trained in the martial arts and later another spaceship crashed land on earth, which was Piccolo who brought the Dragonballs. They fought and brought out Goku's hidden power. Piccolo decided to train Goku to make him stronger. Goku meets Krillin & the gang and wins the martial arts tournament. Raditz came to earth and the between Goku & him took place. Raditz kills Krillin and Goku learns that Raditz is his brother. Piccolo told Goku about the Dragonballs and used them to revive Krillin. Vegeta overheard all this and decide to come to earth. The Z-Fighters goes to train, Goku will fall in love (it's unknown if it's with Chi-Chi or not) and have a son named, Gohan. He is than summon to be trained by King Kai. Instead of 1 year, it took 2 years for Vegeta to arrived to earth. The battle begins which most of the Z-Wariors die in the fight with Vegeta (the fight took longer than what it did in the anime)and after his defeat he ends up escaping.

4/12/03 -It's what everyone has been waiting for! FUNimation has announced that Dragonball Z movie 8, "The Legendary Super Saiyan," will be released in America on August 26th.

2/17/03 -As you kiddies know DBZ movie 7- "Super Android 7" has been released Feb 4, 2003.

12/23/02 -Nothing really new yet. Just a reminder for DBZ Movie 7 will be released next month.

08/16/02 -Hey, DB/Z movie fans! DBZ Movie 6 DVD 'Return of Cooler' is now released. Check Best Buy for it first if you want it for a cheap price. Maybe, Walmart or Target will have it. Dragonball Z movies 7-9 will be released next year, with a possible 2003 release for movie 10 also. Movie 7 will premier on edited and uncut VHS and DVD in January 2003. See ya! --Fin

08/02/02 -Hey, DB/Z movie fans! Just want to say, DBZ Movie 6 DVD 'Return of Cooler' is released on Aug 13th.

07/25/02 -Hey, DB/Z fans! It's that time again, my friends. Otakon is here at convention center in Baltimore, Md. Again, I'll be at home with my fellow otakus (same for Kyosuke). I think he covered everything about it. So, I'm out. Don't forget to vote for the sexiest characters at Enter the Anime. Thanks, DB/Z fans.

7/02/02 - Z-Warriors vs. Hildegarn is up in the Battle Page.

6/26/02 - Changed & added movie dates. Working on more battles and bios.

5/09/02 - It's been awhile since I really updated. I'm having a little computer trouble so it's kinda hard to make any real updates. I've been also helping my friend Kyosuke with his anime site that will be out soon. But, I didn't forget about you guys. Also, all geocities sites are going to be down between May 17-19 2002. They're doing something. I can't even update the sites during that period. Just to let you know Movie Battle , Other Characters , Teen Gohan bio and the Link sections will all be added and updated soon. Well, that's all for now. Until than, DBZ fans.

04/21/02 - Hello everyone. I'm just playing around with the main page. I added a new section called Henchmens. That's all. Check out Journey to the West & DBZ Legends for updates. --End

04/17/02 - Hey guys, hope your enjoying the site. I added more fights in the Movie Battles. If anyone see anything wrong or don't look right (missing pic, font to big or don't match) just email me and let me know. Thanks. Also, check out JttW & DBZ Legends for updates. --End

04/07/02 - Just add a new section. It's called Movie Battles. I haven't finish yet, but it's a pretty good section. That's all for now and I'll see you all that the movies. --End

04/02/02 - Hey everybody another new and somewhat creative site. I have alot more to do, so keep coming back. --End

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