Dragonball/Z Movie Legends (Technique List)

Movie Attack List
This is a list of the fighting techniques that was used in DB/Z movies. There all in alphabetical order. It also tells who performed them and which movie. Check out more techniques that were used in Dragonball. and Dragonball Z series.

-Analysis: Android 15 can analyze every aspect of his opponent such as speed, power, strength etc. through Dr. Gero's Main Computer.
Who can perform it: Android 15 (DBZ Movie 7)

-Atomic Blast?: This is a ki attack used by Turles that would of killed Gohan in Oozaru form.
Who can perform it: Turles (DBZ Movie 3)

-Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a ki-shield around the body that protects the user from ki or similar attacks. There are two forms of this maneuver. One is a spherical shield that surrounds the body, the other is more of a coating of the body.
Who can perform it: Goku (DBZ Movie 3), Bojack (DBZ Movie 9) & Tapion (DBZ Movie 13)

-Big Bang Attack: The Big Bang attack is a huge ki bolt of incredible destructive power. Vegeta holds one flat palm forward towards his enemy and launches the bolt.
Who can perform it: Vegeta (Movie 6)

-Bio Ekisyushyu Kyodai Ka: Bio Brolly's ability to absorb matter and make himself grow as he absorbs more and more.
Who can perform it: Bio Brolly (Movie 11)

-Blur Effect (a.k.a. Superspeed): Dematerializing and quickly moving to another spot close by. Leaves a silhouette of himself for a short period of time in his original location, causing the "blur" effect.
Who can perform it: Anyone who fights in DBZ except Yajirobe and Mister Satan.

-Body Expand: Slugg's special ability to increase his body size to the height of an apartment complex. His speed does not suffer because of his increased mass.
Who can perform it: Slugg vs. Goku (DBZ Movie 4)

-Break Up Teleport: A teleportation technique where a Janenba breaks into pieces and reappears anyplace by reassembling.
Who can perform it: Janenba vs. SSJ 3 Goku (Movie 12)

-Bukujutsu (No Air): The character raises their ki, and literally floats on top of it. As the user becomes more skilled, they can manuever through the air by increasing and decreasing the output and direction of their ki. Any normal human can do this, they just need to be able to find their ki.
Who can perform it: Anyone who fights in DB/Z movies except Yajirobe, Master Roshi and Mister Satan.

-Burning Attack: A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. Trunks holds both hands forward, does some strange arm moves, and then puts both hands forward again, index fingers and thumbs touching. Then he releases the blast.
Who can perform it: Future Trunks (Trunks Special)

-Change: The ability to shape-shift. Puar can keep a shape as long as he can concentrate. Oolong can only hold a shape for 5 minutes, then he needs to rest 1 minute. After that he can change again.
Who can perform it: Oolong & Puar (DB movie 3)

-Chou Genki Dama (Ultimate Spirit Ball): The Spirit Ball but even bigger and filled to the brim with incredible power. Goku once absorbed the Spirit Ball and went to a powered up SSJ and destroyed Super 13.
Who can perform it: Goku (DBZ Movie 7)

-Chou no Ryoku: Bojack's henchmens has this attack where they can bind a person with invisible strings of energy that are impossible to break free from (except if you're SSJ 2 Gohan).
Who can perform it: Bujin, Bido & Zengya (Movie 9)

-Cool Battle Poses: Before going into battle, Gohan likes to make stupid battle poses that he thinks is cool like in Sailor Moon.
Who can perform it: Great Saiyaman & Great Saiyaman 2 (Movie 12 & 13)

-Continuous Death, Death Missle: This is Gotenks' adaptation of the Rapid Ki Blast technique. Basically the same, but a whole lot more powerful.
Who can perform it: Gotenks vs Hildegarn (Movie 13)

-Crystal Wave: Gogeta makes a small powerful rainbow-looking ball of ki, where he throws at his opponents, which distergrate.
Who can perform it: Gogeta (Movie 12)

-Deadzone: Only Garlic Junior can perform this fantastic move. By concentrating, Garlic Jr. can create a black hole that sucks everything in its path inside. On the inside is pure black nothingness.
Who can perform it: Garlic Jr. (DBZ Movie 1)

-Death Ball: This is a small ball of energy which Frieza can create from either the tip of his finger or with both hands. While small, it is very powerful, and can even destroy planets.
Who can perform it: Frieza, Koola (Movie 5), & Metal Koola (Movie 6)

-Destructive Beams: A powerful double ki blast shot from the eyes. Normally, nothing survives this.
Who can perform it: Koola (Movie 5)

-Dimensional Portal: A defensive maneuver that opens a small portal in front of Janenba which can absorb small energy balls.
Who can perform it: Evil Janenba (Movie 12)

-Dodonpa: This is a blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact.
Who can perform it: Tien, Chaozu (DBZ Movie 3), Tsuru & Tao Pai Pai (DB movie 3)

-Electric Prison: Neuzi can trap his opponent in electric field.
Who can perform it: Neuzi (Movie 5)

-Electric Vein Whip: For this attack Kishime uses his veins as a whip that will send anyone electric shocks.
Who can perform it: Kishime (Movie 2)

-Energy Gun: An attack used by Janenba. He shoots energy balls out of holes in his chest like a machine gun.
Who can perform it: Baby Janenba (Movie 12)

-Energy Blade: An attack where Sauzer forms his ki into a sword around his hand.
Who can perform it: Sauzer (Movie 5)

-Exploding Dragon Fist: This is a move by Super Saiyan 3 Goku when he jumps in the air and does an uppercut and yells "EXPLODING DRAGON FIST!!!" and his fist turns into a gold dragon and it goes through the enemy and wraps around him and destroys him.
Who can perform it: Goku (Movie 13)

-Extended Arms: Using the Namek ability to extend their arms, he extends his arm at his enemy from a distance, thus surprising them.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (DBZ Movie 3 & 5), Slugg & Angira (DBZ Movie 4) & Evil Janenba (DBZ Movie 12)

-Eye Beam: It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes. It explodes on impact to do a fair amount of damage, and can also be used to stop other ki blasts.
Who can perform it: Kami (DBZ Movie 1), Piccolo & Slugg (DBZ Movie 4)

-Fart Attack: This is an usually attack where the user would fart on his opponent.
Who can perform it: Veku (DBZ Movie 12)

-Fire Mouth Blast: Hildegarn can produce searing jets of fire from his mouth or his hands.
Who can perform it: Hildegarn (DBZ Movie 13)

-Kintoun (a.k.a. Flying Nimbus): The Flying Nimbus is a magic cloud created by Korin. If you have a pure heart, you can ride the cloud and fly by controlling it mentally.
Who can perform it: Goku (DB movie 1-3, DBZ Movie 1 & 2)

-Finger Beam: A beam of energy shot from one finger explodes on impact or pierce through it's target. Sauzer can make five finger blast at once.
Who can perform it: Koola & Sauzer (Movie 5)

-Full-Force Gohan: This attack used by Gohan when he gets angry where he formed a ball of energy around himself and attacks the villian from outta no where.
Who can perform it: Gohan (DBZ Movie 1 & 2)

-Future Vision: This the ability to see glimpes of ones future.
Who can perform it: Bardock (Bardock Special)

-Gatai Kousen: Goku and Piccolo's double assault they first used on Garlic Junior.
Who can perform it: Goku and Piccolo (DBZ Movie 1 & 8)

-Genkidama (Spirit Ball): A powerful energy ball which gathers energy from all sources on the planet, concentrates it into one sphere, and then release it in one mighty swoop.
Who can perform it: Goku (DBZ Movie 2-4)

-Hikou (Flight): This is not flying with ki energy like most characters do, this is the ability to actually fly. It's well known that the Android do not have ki. So it would be impossible for them to fly using ki. Hildegarn used wings to fly.
Who can perform it: Dr. Wheelo (DBZ Movie 2), Metal Koola (DBZ Movie 6), Android 13, 14, & 15 (DBZ Movie 7), Android 17 & 18 (Trunks Special) and Hildegarn (DBZ Movie 13)

-Ice Blast: A blast of wind that covers whatever it hits in ice.
Who can perform it: Ebifurya (DBZ Movie 2)

-Instantous Movement (Teleportation): Goku places two fingers on his forehead, searches for a ki he wants to go to, then when he finds it, he can teleport there. Goku can also teleport instantly from the after-life to Earth, even when he's dead.
Who can perform it: Goku (DBZ Movie 6, 8, 9, & 12) & Metal Koola (Movie 6)

-Internal Fighting Weapon: A technique where the Nikki rips a sword out of his body, then uses it to fight with. Ginger can rip two swords.
Who can perform it: Nikki & Ginger (DBZ Movie 1)

-Jidashyuu Fuku Noriyoku (a.k.a. Self-Repair): Metal Koola's ability to repair himself if he's damaged.
Who can perform it: Metal Koola (Movie 6)

-Kamehameha (Turtle Destruction Blast): This technique is created by Master Roshi. It's a ki blast, which to start charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.
Who can perform it: Goku (DB movie 1-3, DBZ Movie 1-8, 10, 12, 13), Krillin (DBZ Movie 2-4 & 11), Master Roshi (DBZ Movie 2), Yamcha (DBZ Movie 3), Gohan (Movie 9 & 10), Goten (movie 10 & 11), & Trunks (Movie 11)

-Ki Awarness: The user can sense the level of power someone else possesses, he can get a hint of that person's personality [i.e. good, evil, etc.].
Who can perform it: Goku, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Vegeta, Gohan, Chaozu, Trunks (Future & Present), & Goten (DBZ Movies)

-Ki Barrier: The user forms an impenetrable barrier of ki around them. This was only used in the movies. Who can perform it: Brolly (DBZ Movie 8 & 10)

-Kienza (a.k.a. Destructo Disc): A swirling disc of energy that looks and sounds like a buzz saw. It can cut through ALMOST anything.
Who can perform it: Krillin & Goku (DBZ Movie 3) & Vegeta (Movie 6)

-Kikuo Hou (Air Cannon): Tien puts the tips of his fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "O" between his fingers and his thumbs. Then he shoots a very powerful ki blast through the "O" at his opponent.
Who can perform it: Tien (DB movie 3 & DBZ Movie 9)

-Ki no Jyouto: This is when all of the Z-Soldiers give their energy to Goku so that he can defeat the villian.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (DBZ Movie 4 & 8), Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta (Movie 8)

-Kochi kara Kikou Ha (a.k.a. Mouth Blast): A blast energy shot from the mouth.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (DBZ Movie 2), Oozaru Gohan (DBZ Movie 3), Slugg & Angira (Movie 4) & Janenba (Movie 12)

-Kuukanteni Punch and Kick: This attack is where the user stays in one place and can throw various punches and kicks into portals. A portal will then open up behind the opponent and the punch or kick will go right through.
Who can perform it: Baby Janenba vs. Goku (Movie 12)

-Leeches: A technique where Metamucha can sprout small independently acting and thinking duplicates of himself that absorbs his opponent's energy and gives it to him.
Who can perform it: Metamucha (Movie 4)

-Magic Materialism: The ability to make simple objects like clothes, weapons or crystal balls magically materialize.
Who can perform it: Evil Janenba (Movie 12)

-Makankosappo (Screw Beam of the Devil): This is a penatrating two blasts shot from two fingers. One going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (DBZ Movie 3, 5 & 9)

-Masenko (Devil Flash): Gohan powers up a blast over his head with both his hands, one palm behind the other, then brings his hands down in front of him to fire the blast.
Who can perform it: Gohan (DBZ Movie 3 & 8) & Future Trunks (Movie 8)

-Mind Control: Dr. Wheelo has the ability to control anyone's mind and make them do his bidden.
Who can perform it: Dr. Wheelo (DBZ Movie 2)

-Mind Freeze: The user can manipulate his opponent or intinate objects to an extent, providing that the opponent is not too powerful. He personally can stop someone's movements or cause internal pain with this technique.
Who can perform it: Blue Shogun (DB Movie 3)

-Mini Clone: A weird attack where the Janenba creates a little clone of Goku that mimics him. He can also, make hundreds of little clones of himself.
Who can perform it: Baby Janenba (Movie 12)

-Mirai o Yochi Tsuru Mabaroshi no Ken (Giving Future Vision Technique?): An attack where the user must strike their opponent in the back of the neck, thus granting them the ability to see glimpses of their future.
Who can perform it: Tooro (Bardock Special)

-Nigiri Tsubishi: A simple attack but only characters with big hands can do it. They grab their opponent between their hands and crush them.
Who can perform it: Sergeant Metallic (DB Movie 3), Oozaru Gohan (DBZ Movie 3), & Slugg (DBZ Movie 4)

-Power Ball: This is the ball of energy that helps a Saiyan transform into the Oozaru state. The ball explodes in mid-air and the gasses inside the ball mix with the atmosphere producing a large amount of Brute Waves.
Who can perform it: Turles (DBZ Movie 3)

-Powerpole: The Powerpole is a magic staff that can extend up to 380,000 kilometers upon command.
Who can perform it: Goku (DB movie 1, DBZ Movie 1 & 2) & Gohan (DBZ Movie 2)

-Regenerate: Piccolo has the ability to regenerate any limbs that he may lose in battle.
Who can perform it: Piccolo & Slugg (Movie 4)

-Renzoku Energy Dan: The user of this technique can shoot ki bolts continuously from his hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect. While the individual blasts are not particularly powerful, the effect of hundreds together can be devastating.
Who can perform it: Piccolo & Goku (DBZ Movie 2) & Vegeta (Movie 9)

-Rouga Fufu Ken (Wolf Wind Attack): After preparing himself in a special stance, attacks with many "claw-like" punches and kicks, finishing off with a double-fisted "claw-punch."
Who can perform it: Yamcha (DB movie 1-3)

-Seeker Blast: This technique is used by Piccolo during the fight with the Koola Armored Corp. It is a ki blast, and it tracks its enemy.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (Movie 5)

-Self-Destruct: A powerful suicide attack. The user would use his ki to make himself explode. Kami was going to used it against Garlic Jr. before Piccolo and Goku showed up.
Who can perform it: Kami (DBZ Movie 1)

-Self-Sustenance: Koola does not need to breathe [though he can and does]. He is unaffected by rigors of space. Possibly Brolly too, due to the fact he fought in space.
Who can perform it: Koola, Frieza (Movie 5) & Brolly (Movie 8)

-Shitatsuki: A deadly move performed by Tao Pai Pai. He kills his opponent by punching them with only his tongue.
Who can perform it: Tao Pai Pai vs. Blue Shogun (DB Movie 3)

-Shogekiha: This is almost exactly like the Kiaiho. It is an invisible blast shot from the eyes, hand, but is a little more versatile and can be shot from any part of the body. Piccolo can adapt this attack to radiate from his entire body.
Who can perform it: Piccolo (DBZ Movie 1)

-Souki-Dan (Spirit Bomb): This is a round energy ball shot from the palm of the hand. What is really special about this attack is that it's guided.
Who can perform it: Yamcha (DBZ Movie 3)

-S.S. Deadly Bomb: A semi-large energy ball strong enough to destroy the Earth.
Who can perform it: Super Android 13 (Movie 7)

-Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: One of Gotenks' strongest techniques, he spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling himself. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast.
Who can perform it: Gotenks (Movie 12)

-Tail Attack: Nothing incredibly amazing, it is what it sounds like. Just the ability of a character who has a tail it use it as a weapon.
Who can perform it: Koola & Metal Koola (Movie 5 & 6)

-Taiyoken (a.k.a. Solar Flare): Throughout the series, Tien has invented some really useful attacks, but this is the one attack he created that's used the most by other characters as well. In order for the attack to work, the sun has to be out. The user raises their hands to the sides of their face, and then shout out the name of the attack. The sun's light is then reflected directly into the face of the unfortunate victim, causing them to lose sight for a period of time.
Who can perform it: Tien (DBZ Movie 3)

-Telepathy: The ability to communicate others by speaking to them through their mind, (or heart), the ability to sense past events, to sense what's going on in a different part of the world or universe, and the ability to channel character's thoughts to other characters.
Who can perform it: Korin (DB Movie 3), Tien, Chaozu (DB Movie 3), Kami (DBZ Movie 1), King Kai (DBZ Movie 3, 4 & 8)

-Whistling: This only an attack to namekians. To them, whistling is like nails-on-chalkboard is to humans. This was discover when Gohan & Haiya Dragon tried to do a dance for Piccolo.
Who can perform it: Gohan (DBZ Movie 4)

-Yubitsuki: A one-touch-kill used by Tao Pai Pai. He simply pokes a weak character's forehead, and they will instantly die. This also works on objects, too.
Who can perform it: Tao Pai Pai vs. a Pillar (DB Movie 3)

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