Dragonball AF(after future)
This is actually Goku Ssj God mode(ssj9)
   Before i go on telling you the story of Dragonball AF("after future"or"alternative future"), i would like to tell you guys that this is just a fanfic. DBAF does not exist. There are many rumors about it,for example that it was showed only in Portugal and in Japan.>now,if it really existed,the first place for it to apear was japan,right? I've spoke to some DB fans from japan-3 to be exact.There is no such thing as AF< . It is said that in AF Goku got to the ssj9 level (ssj God) as you can see in this picture        ------>
    The other characters didn't get that far sadly, Vegeta just reached the ssj 6 form. It is also said that they have made many other fusions. Another technic than "the fusion dance",(i dont actually know the name and dunno if anybody even made a name for it) helped them fuse with eachother even if they didn't have the same hight and power. For example Vegeta fused with Trunks (i have a photo at the bottom of the page). And they even say that Radditz came back and he's now ssj3!!!!!!
    And of course the most important thing is:  if there was an AF, this guys wouldn't mix the names of the characters. In this picture ------->  is Goku ssj9 (ssj god),yeah? and the place where i took it from had it with the name "trunks ssj5"(if you wanna take the pic you can have a look at the name).No DBAF fan would mix up their favourite characters names,would they? HEHE. And now,after i told you all this i'll start telling you the begining of the DBAF story(cuz sadly that's all that i know right now......the begining).
I'll always bring more pics from AF,so check back soon, maybe i'll even find out how the story continues...... weeeeee.
Radditz SSJ3
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As i was saying.....the fusion between Trunks and Vegeta.... a picture from the rumored "DBAF"
Episode 1:
     More than 700 years have passed since Goku was seen for the last time. In the center of the small city where Goku  defeated the evil shenlong are 5 statues showing: Goku, Vegeta,Trunks, Gohan and Goten. The 5 legendary saiyajins. A relative from Goku was puting flowers at the feet of the statues together with his little sister. Thire names were Gotan and Diri. In all those years was peace and quiet.....but what in this moment happens,will change the situation...... A spaceship lands near the place where the 5 statues are. From this ship comes a creature made out of liquid metal (like Metal Coola). Gotan feels the huge, evil aura coming from this creature and turns ssj at once so that he can protect his little sister.  The creatures realises what Gotan wants, grins and teleports in front of the two. He kills Diri with just one small hit. Gotan sees that the oponent doesnt even feel his punches as long as he's in the ssj1 form,so he gets mad and turns ssj2.....but that is still useless......... Realising that he cant do anything against the creature,he sits down and starts crying. He asks the creature who he is. It answer: I'm a relative from Bebi, the one that ssj4 Goku killed, and that the reasons why i ame on the earth are:
1. To  kill all the saiyajins
2. To  gather enough energy to have a perfect and invulnerable body (like Cell).
    After he told this things to Gotan they start fighting again but Gotan has no chance. The Monster punches his once hard and makes the poor boy fall down unconscious. Thinking that Gotan is dead,the creature begins his search for relatives of vegeta, that can turn ssj. When Gotan wakes up, he hears a voice.........the voice of Re Kaio, who tells him what happened. he also tells him that it's too late now,and that the monster already killed the relatives of vegeta, and that not even a ssj3 stopped him! Re Kaio says that the creature's plan is to open a world to the other dimention and reunite himslef with the souls of Goku's enemyes (like Freeza, Cell, Boo etc.). If that happens, then not even a ssj4 could stop him!
  In this moment a thunder appears between the clouds. This was Re Kaio's sign anouncing that the Monster reached his perfect body by reuniing himself with Goku's enemyes...... the world was doomed......
Episode 2: The ultimative Tsufuru
    Gotan starts telling that he foughtt till the end of his power, and then the old Kaio-Shin apears and tells him,that the only way to defeat this monster,is to bring back to life the 5 legendary fighters....... He also tells Gotan that he should use the dragonballs that he has in his room as memory for his old relatives and tell shenlong to resurect them.
     The boy runs as fast as he can so that he can make his wish. But the Tsufuru(that's the race of the creature) feels Gotans aura and flyes in his direction. When the boy got home the creature was waiting for him. But the Tsufuru doesnt attack......he just tells Gotan that he know what he's up to and that he wants to test his power. To show he's not afraid,the creature takes the dragonballs, calls Shenloang (another proof that AF is not true- a creature that came for 1 day doesnt know how to call shenlong....) and wishes that the 5 fighters live again. Nothing happenes........ .Tsufuru yells in a mad fit: "THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!" and kills Gotan. Before Gotan's body reaches the ground, two hands catch him. The creature looks curiously, and sees that the hands are from the strongest saiyan there ever was: GOKU. It's quiet for a little while. Then the mnster asks: are you Goku? Goku goes outside of the house without answering and buryes Gotan. When he returns, the Tsufuru says: You're worser than in those day. Gohan is really confused and asks Goku if he knows this creature. Goku answers: "remember bebi?". But the Tsufuru says: "Well i'm not like him.I'm stronger than my brother and i dont have to go in other persons bodyes,because they fuse with me!" Goku can't stand the arrogant talking og this monster anymore. He feels the aura of the tsufuru and tells his friends to be carefull. Trunks, Goten and Gohan turns ssj and Goku and Vegeta turn ssj4. And the fight begins......
     The Tsufuru fights easily with them,and when they get tred he asks: "What is it? Is this too hard for you? Well i'm having fun!" Goku doesnt want to admit it,but he knew the creature is right.... After a while they all stop fighting and stand still. Vegeta says:"Kakarot, he's too strong for us". "You're right.I underestimated him." was Goku's answer. Then the creature says: "And i was just begining to fight......"("This was just a warm-up").........
These are the first 2 episodes from DBAF, and i dont know how it goes on.... but i'll try to find it out,ok?
DBAF STORY Copyright: Cosmin
Original text(german): www.fusion-z.gamigo.de
Translation: Cosmin
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