30 November, 2001 to 28 December, 2001

Site deleted for update
30 November, 2001
I have deleted this site and restarted it. Obviously the old site was poorly designed, so I am redesigning it. I am very sorry for any inconvenience.

"What's Planned" section added
1 December, 2001
I have added a new section. This will tell you what has been planned. Click here to view it! Please note that this site is still under construction, and may take a while to be completed. Thank you for being patient.

Site completed, new program!!!
2 December, 2001
I have finally finished the website! I have also added a new program, the Determinant Calculator for matrices. Enjoy!
CirCalculate v2.00 now available!
.: News update :.
CirCalculate v2.00 is now available. I have improved the user interface, and got rid of the annoying message boxes! The FAQ has also been updated with some useful information.

Guestbook added
4 December, 2001
I have added a guestbook to the site! Post what you like, but please keep it clean. Thanks. I have also corrected a few minor errors on this site.

Small site updates
16 December, 2001
I've decided not to release the source code for the programs since compiling Visual Basic programs from a bunch of files can be very confusing unless you are the author of the programs.

However, to compensate for that, I will be adding a formulas section so people could write their own programs without having to search through many textbooks and websites!

I also removed the old unsupported versions of the programs because I figured that no-one would need them! This will also clear up some web space for more programs.

Lastly, I added a History section! You can now find out how I got the idea of making this site and the story behind it!!

Spherical Calculator 1.1 and more!
19 December, 2001
The Spherical Function Calculator v1.1 is now available! I have improved the user interface and removed those annoying message boxes. The older version will no longer be supported.

I have also added an Archived News section! The older news
will be moved there instead of being deleted, since there are people who will want to know what the site used to be like.

Merry Christmas!
25 December, 2001
Happy holidays to everyone! I hope that you all have a happy, safe, and peaceful Christmas. 2002 is just around the corner!

- Danny Chia

Line Checker v1.4 released!
28 December, 2001
My new program is now done! It can check whether two lines are parallel/perpendicular! Have fun! :)

Forums available!
30 December, 2001
Message boards are finally available! You can use them to hold discussions and chat with other users! You can also post suggestions, bug reports, and anything else I forgot to mention, as long as it is clean!
Technical problem with forums
.: News update :.
If you somehow can't save your forum profile after registration, then you should use Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but this is probably caused by bugs on the Proboards servers.
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