31 December, 2001 to 11 February, 2002

New sections added
31 December, 2001
I have updated the Terms and Conditions page. Please make sure you read the new version first! I've also added a Privacy Policy section, so please be sure to read that too.

Happy New Year!
1 January, 2002
The first update of 2002! Happy New Year from Math Utilities! I hope that everyone will have a prosperous new year!

Lots of news and updates!!!
8 January, 2002
I have just learned that the 39th Mersenne prime has been
discovered last November. You can learn more by clicking here.

I have also uploaded a new Cubic Function Calculator, a handy little tool that calculates data for a cube, and all you have to do is enter the side length! It also includes a section to calculate data for rectangular prisms. Pretty nifty, eh?

I have also updated two other programs, the Polygonal Function Calculator and the Circular Function Calculator.

Finally, I've organized some links in the Departments section.

Elliptical Function Calculator
18 January, 2002
I have uploaded this week's update - the Elliptical Function Calculator. This will hopefully save a lot of time for people, because ellipses normally harder to work with.

I am also working on a Formulas section, which will hopefully be available very soon.

New forum features
25 January, 2002
The forums have been updated with new features, such as "stickied" posts, polls, new moderation tools, and much, much more.

Note that the forums are remotely hosted and owned by Proboards, so I do not have complete control over the forums. Normally, most forum updates, like new features, are done by Proboards, not by me.

Forum troubles... :(
27 January, 2002
It seems that there are some major problems with the Proboards servers at the moment. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Currently accepting ideas...
11 February, 2002
I am looking for suggestions for new ideas. If there is anything you would like to see on this site, then please feel free to post on the suggestions forum.

I am also working on a formulas section, which will hopefully be completed soon.

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