
This site and the programs would not have been possible without the following people and services. Thanks to all who made this production possible.

Danny Chia
This site was made in my spare time. I came up with the concept of designing a math site, and I created the programs myself.

Microsoft Visual Basic 5
Official site
I chose Visual Basic for making programs. This programming langauge is very easy to understand. My programs would not exist without it!

Yahoo! GeoCities
Official site
Where would I put my site without this free and user-friendly hosting service? :)
Official site
Setting up the forums would have been a major pain, if it were not for this free forum-hosting service!

Maria Olson
Aside from teaching me geometry in high school, this math teacher provided me with lots of support.

Winnie Tseng
Another wonderful math teacher, she taught me advanced algebra, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. She also helped me with math whenever I ran into problems.

Axialis Icons
Official site
The program icons (.ico files) that can be downloaded from my site were made by this useful program.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for their testing, advice, and support.

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