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General Clarke from US Army Armor School Publication, 1976
General Bruce C. Clarke
Commander CCB 7th Armored Division
During the Battle of St. Vith

General Bruce Cooper Clarke (Ret) was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1925 after entering on a National Guard appointment from his home state of New York. 

After an outstanding record in Europe during World War II, General Clarke served as Commanding General of the 2d Constabulary Brigade and the 1st Armored Division. He was Commanding General of I Corps in the Korean Conflict and of the Seventh Army in German; and later Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army, Europe. 

Brigadier General Clarke established, and was the first Commandant of, what is now the Seventh Army Noncommissioned officer Academy in Germany from 1949 to 1951. He established similar academies in CONARC and in the Korean Army. 

General Clarke has specialized in teaching, training, and command in the Army over a great many years. He holds BS, CE, and LLB degrees. As Assistant Commandant of the Armor School, in CONARC, and later as CONARC Commander, he was closely associated with the Army school system.

The above is quoted from the PREFACE of the
US Army Armor School booklet shown here:

(1) Honest, just, and fair treatment for all.
(2) Consideration due them as mature, professional 
(3) Personal interest taken in them as individuals.
(4) Loyalty.
(5) Shielding from harassment from those "higher up."
(6) The best in leadership techniques.
(7) That their needs be anticipated and provided for.
(8) All the comforts and privileges practicable.
(9) To be kept oriented and told the "reason why."
(10) A well-thought-out program of training, work and 
(11) Clear-cut and positive decisions and orders which 
are not constantly changed.
(12) Demands on them commensurate with their capabilities
- not too small nor too great.
(13) That their good work be recognized - and publicized 
where appropriate. 

"The Army has had two great trainers, Von Steuben and Clarke."
                                                                                                  - Dwight D. Eisenhower         

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