The Caissons Go Rolling Along

                Phillip's Photospage 2

The 275th Armored Field Artillery
Moves Into Germany


Four 275th Members - Belgium

Gun Sergeant Standing by M7
Shown here in an M.P.  helmet, Ken Delany and members of the 275th, Carl Martin, ? and Gerry Cole


Now a part of Gen Simpson's Ninth US Army, the M7's were a part of the massive barrage fire for joint operation, "Plunder". This M7 awaits orders to fire. Waiting, too, is apart of army life at war.
2 GI's beside dug-out (bunker) Officer in front of dug-out (bunker)
Enlisted men share their
new dug-out bunker.
Phillip Millspaugh shown at left.
Lieutenant relaxes in front of his
new dug-out BOQ. 

In heavy combat since 16 December, the 275th, now attached to Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery's 21st Army Group, on 29 January 1945 were moved back to allow time or rest, maintenance and recovery. On 4 February the battalion was again called upon for supporting fire. The final push into the German heartland had begun.

A Path of Destruction Lay Ahead of the 275th

Soldier sitting on dragon's tooth in tank trap
Two soldiers pose in tank trap

On the German boarder tank obstacles of the West Wall, called "dragon's teeth"  were not enough to stop the U.S. and their Allied forces advance. Phillip Millspaugh
(on left) and buddy shown in bottom photo.

Rhine River Bridge

Wreckage of Rhine River Bridge Near Wesel, Germany
This bridge on the Rhine river  2 miles south of Wesel, Germany was destroyed by the retreating Germans to prevent the Allies from crossing.

In a short time Army engineers had built a pontoon bridges near the collapsed German span on which the 275th crossed, 25 March.

German halftrack SP gun
German halftrack scout vehicle - Model 251
Wreckage of the once feared vehicles littered the roads such as these photos taken near Limburg, Germany.
[left] Tiger tank [above top] Self propelled gun on halftrack model 251 [above bottom] Scout halftrack 

Photos courtesy of:

 Phillip Millspaugh

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DeLoyd Cooper is the Historian for the 275th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Association. [email protected]
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002 DeLoyd Cooper. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 8, 2006

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