Published by
    Erika The Red
          � 2005
(Graphic donated by Don Berryman)
Another memorable experience I had was checking out the �Rock Can Roll� music festival (or at least the tail-end of it).  I managed to squeeze into the packed concert hall at the Masonic Temple, where The Evens (guitarist Ian MacKaye and drummer Amy Farina), a duo from Washington, D.C., were holding court (and condemning police brutality) with some innovative and interesting musical techniques.

Shortly after that concert, I popped into Fat Cat Blues and Jazz Club on George Street around 9 p.m. to check out the open-mike stage performers.  While waiting for that night�s host to arrive (he never did) and start the stage proceedings, I hung out at the bar where there were approximately six other people.

Upon chatting with the bartender,
Sherry Ryan, I discovered she is also a singer-songwriter, and she, in turn, discovered I am a music journalist.  Sherry did her very best to make us all feel at home, even going so far as to introduce me to the other customers, one of whom is also a recent import from Ontario.  When it was eventually confirmed that the stage host would be unable to make his gig (while the room was steadily filling up with more people), Sherry seriously began  considering doing double-duty as the stage host, but no one had brought a guitar to lend her.

Although I left around 11 p.m. to check out the final sets of "Rock Can Roll" bands at The Ship, I was very impressed with Sherry�s professional and humanitarian approach to her bartending position (not to mention her music career) and wish her a successful CD release party at the LSPU Hall on February 5, where she is opening for
Mark Bragg�s Black Wedding Band.  She describes her music as a blend of country, folk and pop but told me she has also written a blues song, as well, so her versatility is quite evident.

Having recently returned to her home province of Newfoundland after spending a number of years in Nova Scotia, I guess she understands what it�s like to be the �new kid on the block�.  Thanks for the warm welcome, Sherry!

I�m looking forward to scouting out much more artistic talent in this wonderful city.

[An abbreviated version of this article was published in Transcontinental Newsnet's
The Telegram, "Insight" Section, on February 16/05, under the title, "Mainland Gypsy Explores St. John's".]

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February 1, 2005 - Page 2
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