Published by
    Erika The Red
          � 2005
(Graphic donated by Don Berryman)
May 3, 2005 - Page 2
I�m still anxiously waiting to hear whether the Canadian Music Hall of Fame will be built in Toronto or Hamilton.  The announcement is expected any time this month (May).  In that regard, Hull-born, Hamilton-raised Daniel Lanois (producer for U2, Emmy Lou Harris, Peter Gabriel, and a slew of others) is being awarded a star on Canada�s Walk of Fame.  Daniel�s brother, Bob Lanois, a producer at Hamilton�s Grant Avenue Studios, is hoping to be able to build an educational recording studio in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, so it would be nice to see the building erected in Hamilton.  Like St. John�s, this city could use the economic (and cultural) boost and it�s not that far from Toronto, in any case.

Daniel�s camp is presently setting up tour dates to showcase his brand-new CD,
Belladonna (hot on the heels of last year�s release of Rockets).  Hopefully this fan of Acadie will make a return visit to St. John�s this year.

The month of May started off on a good note (pardon the pun) with the open mic at Fat Cat, featuring the dazzling guitar-picking of
Chris Kirby (also with a band called Parc) and several other players whose names I didn�t catch.  Both Chris Kirby and Chris Badcock have a similar vocal style and pitch to Wide Mouth Mason�s Shaun Verreault.

I had a bit of a chat with Mr. Kirby and
John Ennis, who are part of the team at Yellow Dart Records.  The company also represents local artists such as Mojo Pin (Trevor Smith, Josh Noble, Craig Follet and Matt Fudge), Matt Ross, Matthew Hare (with Brad Morgan and John Picco) and Missed by the Good (featuring Devon Milley).

While I don�t agree with their political stance against smoking in nightclubs, they're entitled to their opinion.  I�ve posted my own viewpoint on this issue in the �
Harmony/Discord� section, if anyone�s interested in reading it.

Speaking of the no-smoking issue, I was lucky enough to finally gain entry (gratis) into Club One, where local U2 tribute band,
Elevation (not to be confused with the Toronto band of the same name).  The huge main room, which has no smoking privileges, was half-empty while this amazingly great band was strutting its stuff.  When I passed by the club earlier in the evening, I could hear a Fleetwood Mac tribute band playing and they sounded equally good.  The earlier band (and I believe there was another one, as well) may have had a larger audience, though, given that this was a Sunday night.   Thanks to security honcho Matthew for the pass.

While visiting the Rose & Thistle (in between my stops at Fat Cat and Club One), I ran into MIANL Executive Director/blues guitarist
Denis Parker.  He had just come off the �Rising Stars 5� tour through Newfoundland and Labrador with Colleen Power and Duane Andrews, as well as Battle of the Bands winners from different localities.  He tells me it went very successfully.  For more information or bookings, you can contact Denis at [email protected].

Blair Harvey was onstage that night, as well as an unknown musical accomplice playing a drum.  Some performers have to be coaxed to play for more than a half-hour at a time, but Blair and his friend were going at it for at least an hour and showed no signs of stopping when I left, so I never did get the accompanying drummer�s name.

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