I've been playing guitar since I was 17 and writing songs pretty much since then.  I play, sing and write in a band called The Volcanics. This band features Iain James on bass and Jeff Richardson on drums, both of whom also play in the Highschool Hookers.

I've been playing drums for quite a while now, I guess about seven years off and on, according to whether or not I'm playing in a band.  My first gig was playing with Lynn Bebee before she rocked.  Then I rehearsed with The Sheanderthals for a year or a year and a half or something, but I was still learning, so I didn't actually play a gig with them.

Then I started playing with Kelly Grrrl two summers ago. We ran into each other downtown and she asked if I wanted to jam and we talked about how crappy it is when people say "Hey, let's jam" and never do.  I like playing with Kelly cuz I've been able to develop my own style. She never tells me what to play and we have a good musical connection. I think she's a great songwriter.  So right now, we're shakin' off the cobwebs.  We've broken up and gotten back together and have just started practising in my apartment.  We don't have a p.a. and we don't have much cash, so hopefully we don't get shut down!  I'm looking forward to getting into better shape drumming-wise because I am more focused and I know more what I want, soundwise, out of my drumming.  When I get back into the the shape required to play fast and hard, I will be leaner and meaner-sounding because that's the kind of bad-ass drumming that is inspiring to me.

My favourite drummers are, of course, Keith Moon, Dave Grohl and John Bonham, but also there are local (Hamilton) drummers who rock my socks off and are doubly inspiring when I see them play.  I really love Brian from the Sinisters, the drummer from the Riptides (from Ottawa), Terrence from
Riot 99 and Red Light Rippers, Candy Rotten, Jack Pedler and Michael, from Maximum RnR, who also used to play with 2pump louie.  Also Slim Jim from Stray Cats and Nick Knox and Congo Powers from the Cramps.  I love that Rockabilly swampy stuff.


[Raewyn can be contacted at [email protected] -
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