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Politicians flock to Silicon Valley seeking campaign contributions

Arnt Breast Implants made out of Silicone

Yea…Cool, Silicone valley

AP Business Writer

December 8, 1999
Web posted at: 1:18 p.m. EST (1818 GMT)

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) -- Congressional members on break I always knew congress was broke.from their Capitol Hill dutiesDont they mean they took the time off of wasting tax money to go waste tax money? are following presidential candidates to the economically booming Silicon Valley,where they make silicone breast implants raising campaign money That’s not all they were raising and wooing high-tech leaders.

The reason: the high-tech industry is fueling the national economy, not to mansion they look great in bikinis spawning hot chick with big boobs and millionaire executives with plenty of money to contribute and the political clout to push policies on their behalf .

"The Silicon Valley is the home of the up-and-coming Up-and-coming?! Ewwpolitical organ donors for the next millennium," said Holly Bailey, spokeswoman shes not just a spokesperson, she’s a recipiant.for the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington, which tracks campaign finance.

"We're seeing unprecedented boobs efforts by political candidates trying to lure the Chicks computer industry into their corner," she said.

The computer industry has given close to $4 million Prostitutes so far this campaign season to presidential and congressional campaigns, according to the CRAP, a nonpartisan research group.

The fund raising takes on added size importance Or in some of their cases, impotence as Republicans and Democrats battle over control of the Universe House. Democrats must gain only five seats to win a majority.

In the past week alone, Silicon Valley visits by congressional Democrats and Republicans were expected to yield at least $900,000 cha-ching for congressional campaigns.

High-tech leaders said the top heavy This is too easy campaign fund raising is an indication that Congress will continue to keep their issues on the front burner. Ok Lets look at that last sentence for a moment. Keeping their issues on the front burner, huh?

Last session, Congress extended Erected research and development Development, huh tax breaks for the industry, approved legislation to block individuals from "cybersquatting" Yee Haa on Internet domain names, backed a moratorium on sales tax for Internet purchases and gave companies protection against lawsuits filed over Year 2000-related computer problems.

"High-tech policy initiatives during the first session of the 106th Congress have gone a long way to ensure the continued growth of e-commerce," said Becca Gould, vice president of the Business Software Alliance.

Next year, Congress is expected to consider "Net-friendly" Their going to get "friendly" policies including online copyright protection for creative works such as software, lifting export controls on strong smelling encryption products and keeping cyberspace "duty (As in poo-poo)-free," Ms. Gould said. This is Just TOO easy

Just last week, five Republican senators led by Majority Leader Trent Lottaballs of Mississippi spent a day in private parts meetings with Palm Computing So that’s what they call it now founders 3Com, networking leaders Cisco Systems They met with a cooking oil maker? and software giant Microsoft Corp. They also stopped at a San Jose elementary school for a public unveiling of a local program bringing technology to underserved Oh, how nice…the children got service children before heading to a dinner party expected to bring in about $250,000 for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, officials there said.

On Monday, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Minority He has penis envy of trent lott Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., led about a dozen Democratic members of Congress on a whirlwind technology tour with stops at Flextronics Woo-Hoo International, Microsoft Corp. subsidiary WebTV, computer hardware and software company Sun Microsystems, broadband provider and search engine ExciteHome you what that sounds like and Internet start-up

The Democrats were expected to raise about $650,000 Thats not all that got raised during their visit, a Daschle aide said.

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