litle retard timmy page!!!!!!11
A funy site abuot funy things like stoopit stuf like cuntries
my favrite site ever
a funy site abuot a  funy man and his funy house
the funy man hoo craeted me
helo! this am COOL DOPE HYPE WORD SMOKINGH page by my who am cooler thsn you. im timmy andf my mommy amnd new daddy sais im learning desabled. thats dum. mommty and new daddy and dumt. 1 time i hit my new daddy with a fumny looking brik. he sayed ouchj whyd yoiu hit me U litle retard/? and i sayd cuz U are sily new daddy!!!11 get it???????????mommy likes new dady 1nse i sawed them doing something in the bed and mommy was goingh yes yes harder and i dint understsnd and then thery boths screem and then new addy pulls another skin of his peepeeand tyhey saw me abd shove my in a litle box where tyhey kepe me from tinwe to time.,that wuz m,y funnby storee. I hope U laff like my mommy does when she maked mer eat doggys doodoo!!!!!11
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