going to the U.S, huh!


Preparation for GRE:

Applying for us:


 GRE help:




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 Welcome to my web site!

 Hi ! I am Jason Sequeira.
 Welcome to my New GRE Website, a site dedicated to all those individuals aspiring to crack the GRE!

 For many who have been searching endlessly for a site that could assist you in attacking those   tough GRE ,GMAT tests, here comes my GRE site as a final ray of hope.

 The origin of this site goes back to the days when I myself was in the arduous preparation for the GRE. I came upon the idea of developing a site that could assist me and many others to prepare for those tough words in the Barron's GRE Word List while, at the same time prepare for math & the logic section . It also helped me a great deal in getting information on the general GRE test.
It is my greatest desire that everybody visiting my site be benefited greatly by trying out my software & other general information on GRE that I have included in site. I hope you enjoy using this site as much as I enjoyed creating it. please check out the GRE software  I have included in this site, its pretty useful.

I have also included a page containing all the necessary software [on general categories]  you ever wanted but didn't know where to get them, check them out.

I hope this site helps you in anyway possible, it took me hours to gather so much information & publish on this site, so if you have any suggestion, comment or complaint (if u must) please let me know at [email protected]                                   



this site is updated on 10/04/2001





Preparation for GRE: the GRE test; writing assessment; GRE software; Applying for us: higher studies; application procedure; F1 visa; aid &loan; help in SOPshortlisting of colleges; pre departure information; GRE help: links to other GRE website; GRE resources; General: software download; The hacking lab; feedback form.

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