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Daddy was an old time preacher man......
Rev. Dewey Adkins
Rev. Robert "Bob" Vance
My Daddy, Dewey Adkins has been a preacher for about as long as I can remember in The Church of God.Cliffords Daddy, Bob Vance, also was a preacher and Pastor of The Little Harts Freewill Baptist Church for over 50 years. When God called, and said: "Go Ye into all the land and preach the gospel", that is excatly what they did. Both has preached all over, in several denominations. My Daddy held a revival for Cliffords Daddy, and that is how we first met. We were both raised in church, and ALWAYS went. We had no choice as to whether we would go or not. Staying home was not an option! And later, after I became a christian and parent myself, I realized that the bible says: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it", so they knew what they were doing. There is a history of Preachers and Deacons in both sides of our family, including; Rev. Isaac Frye, Rev. Abner Vance, Rev. Moses Franklin Napier, John Adkins - Deacon, Everette Browning -Deacon,and many more in the past. And at the present; Pastor Gary Browning, Pastor Ward Vance, Rev. Roger "Bo" Egnor, Pastor Robert Watts, Pastor Clifford Vance (Yes I married a preacher!) and recently my youngest son, Joshua Vance has started preaching. So you see, God has really been the backbone of both our families.
An old fashioned baptising. With back turned to camera is Rev. Bob Vance.
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