
Drusilla's "Crush" Lines

A happy memory, pretty Spike.
Look who's come to make everything right again.
It is ... like lollipops at the circus. Although ... didn't care for Angelus setting us on fire.
I want us to be a family again, my William.
Come back with me.
Naughty! Shhh. You needn't make up stories. I already know why you're not coming. Poor boy. Tin soldiers put funny little knick-knacks in your brain. Can't hunt! Can't hurt! Can't kill! You've got a chip.
I don't believe in science; all those bits and molecules no-one's ever seen. I trust eyes and heart alone. And do you know what mine is singing out right now? You're a killer! Born to slash ... born to bash ... and oooh, bleed like beautiful poetry.
No little tinker-toy could ever stop you from flowing.
All in your head. I can see it. Little bit of ... plastic, spiderwebbing out nasty blue shocks. And every one is a lie. Electricity lies, Spike. It tells you you're not a bad dog, but you are.
It's been fun while it lasted, Harm, but I think it'd be best now if you hit the road.
And there you are, my darling, deadly boy.
My boy's been feeding again. But I know what he really wants to eat.
Shall we tie her up? Play with her a teensy bit first?
Oooh ... I like it when you're all dour and straight-to-buisness-like.
Not nice to change the game in mid-play, Spike. You've taken my chair and the music hasn't stopped.
I think I shall be very cross with you when I'm free again.
But it's so funny. I knew ... before you did. I knew you loved the Slayer. The pixies in my head whispered it to me.
Oh, we can, you know. We can love quite well. If not wisely.
Awww... Ow!
Yes, please! I like that game much more.
Am I?
That's right, little girl. Teach our naugty boy a lesson.
Poor Spike. So lost. Even I can't help you now.

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