X-Men - C Page

CableCable (Six Pack)CableCableCable (Space Armor)DayspringAskani'sonCableCableCable (Askani)CableCable12.jpg (10934 bytes)CableCable

Real name: Nathan Christopher Charles Summers
Known aliases: Nathan Dayspring Askanison
Group affiliation: Former leader of the New Mutants, X-Force & Six Pack, former member of the Askani and the X-Men
Powers: Telepathy
Skill: Master in firearms
Weapons: Guns, high-tech equipment, cybernetic limbs
Notable Relatives : Eliya (Jenskot, wife, deceased), Tyler Dayspring (Genesis, son), Scott (Cyclops, father), Madelyne Pryor (Goblyn Queen, mother), Jean Grey (Phoenix, stepmother), Rachel (Mother Askani, half sister), Alex (Havok, uncle), Christopher (Corsair, grandfather), Deborah (great grandmother), Katherine Anne (paternal grandmother, deceased), John (maternal grandfather), Elaine (maternal grandmother), Sara (aunt, deceased), John (maternal grandfather), Elaine (maternal grandmother), Gailyn, Joey (cousin),
First appearance: New Mutants #87
History: Nathan Summers is the son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor. When he was infected by the techno-organic virus, he was transported to the future by the Askani. There he became a freedom fighter against Apocalypse's rule. He traveled back into the past and came upon Moira MacTaggart. He served for a long time as a mercenary and in Six Pack until he took over the New Mutants. He turned them into X-Force. After the apparent "death" of Cyclops, he temporary joined the X-Men.

Caliban (Morlock)Caliban (X-Force)Caliban (Death)Caliban (Pestilence)

Real name: Unknown
Known aliases: Death III, Pestilence II
Group affiliation: Member of Apocalypse's Horsemen ; former member of the Morlocks & X-Force
Powers: Disease-inflicting touch, detect mutants, strength & fear gaze
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #148
History: Caliban was a member of the Morlocks. He survived the Mutant Massacre but was turned into Death by Apocalypse as one of his Horsemen. He was rescued by Cable when the Dark Riders hunted him. He joined X-Force for a time but was captured by Ozymandias. He later appeared to be transformed again by Apocalypse into Pestilence.

CallistoCallistoCallisto (Morlocks)

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former leader of the Morlocks
Powers: Hunting, enhanced senses
Skill: Formidable fighter
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169
History: The past of Callisto remains unknown. She was the leader of the Morlocks until she lost to Storm. After the Mutant Massacre, her face was healed but again lost her beauty and was thought dead. She later revealed that she had traveled to another world with the surviving Morlocks.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Externals
Powers: Telekinesis, grant & remove powers, immortality
First appearance: Gambit #1
History: Candra was one of the immortal Externals. She was responsible for the feud between the thieves and assassins guilds in New Orleans, promising them power and immortality. She was defeated by Gambit. Recently, the power that was store in a gemstone was destroyed by Storm who stole it when she was young.

Cannonball (Original New Mutants)Cannonball (1st X-Force)Cannonball (2nd X-Force)Cannonball (X-Men)Cannonball (Counter X)Cannonball

Real name: Samuel Zachery Guthrie
Group affiliation: Member of X-Corporation; former member of the X-Force, X-Men, Externals & New Mutants
Powers: Create invulnerable energy field, flight
Known Relatives: Paige (Husk, sister), Elisabeth (sister), Joshua, Jebediah (brothers)
First appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
History: Samuel Guthrie was originally recruited by Donald Pierce but joined the New Mutants. He remained in the team and also when the team became X-Force. He was graduated to become a member of the X-Men but returned to X-Force because he felt that he did not fit in the team. Later, he joined Banshee's X-Corporation.

Captain Britain (Original)Captain Britain (First Excalibur)BritanicCaptain BritainCaptain BritainCaptain Britain

Real name: Brian Braddock
Known aliases: Britanic, Red Bishop
Group affiliation: Former member of the London Hellfire Club & Excalibur
Powers: Strength, flight
Known Relatives: Elizabeth (sister), James Jr. (brother), James (father, deceased), Elizabeth (mother, deceased), Meggen (wife)
First Appearance: Captain Britain #1
History: Captain Britain has been a long time hero of the British Isle. Later, he formed Excalibur with some other ex-members of the X-Men. He remains with the team until today. His only leave of absence is when he was suck into the time stream and return as Britanic. He married Meggan when Excalibur was disbanded.


Real name: Joanna Cargil
Other aliases: Frenzy
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes; former member of the Alliance of Evil and Phoenix's temporary X-Men task force
Powers: Strength, steel hard body
First appearance: X-Factor #4
History: Joanna Cargil first appeared as a member of Apocalypse's Alliance of Evil. Later, she returned as a member of the Acolytes. Under the control of Phoenix, she temporary joined the latter's small X-Men force to rescue Prof. X from Genosha. Her current fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.


Real name: Sharon Smith
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Fitzroy
Group affiliation: Former member of Hellions
Powers: Turn to cat
First appearance: New Mutants #16
Last appearance: Uncanny X-Men #282
History: Sharon Smith was recruited as a member of the Hellions. She was later killed by Trevor Fitzroy.


Real name: Loc
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Body consist of 1 cell
First appearance: Morlocks #1
History: Cell is a criminal whose mutant powers kicked in on a getaway. He stumbled upon the Morlocks and joined the group.



Real name: Cerebro
Current Status: Destroyed
Powers: Detect mutants, mimic mutant powers, create energy beings
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #80
Last appearance: X-Men #84
History: Cerebro was originally a computer created by Prof. X to detect mutants around the world. After Bastion took over the mansion, Cerebro somehow gained sentience. He was destroyed in a battle with the X-Men.

CeriseCerise (Original)

Real name: Cerise
Group affiliation: Former member of the Excalibur
Powers: Create light constructs
Skills: Expert fighter
First Appearance: Excalibur #46
History: Cerise was a refuge from the Shi'ar Empire. She came to Earth and joined Excalibur and for a time became Nightcrawler's lover. She was apprehended by the Starjammers to return to her homeworld for trial. She is now serving the imperial court of the Shi'ar.


Real name: Jonothon Evan Starsmore
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; former member of Generation X
Powers: Release psionic bio-energy
First Appearance: Generation X #1
History: Jonothon Starsmore was recruited to join Generation X. On the way, he was attacked by Emplate. His body and face are permanently disfigured when his powers manifested. He joined the X-Men when Generation X disbanded.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of Fallen Angels
Powers: Enhance or stop mutant powers
First appearance: Fallen Angels #1
History: Chance was a runaway recruited by Vanisher for his Fallen Angels.



Real name: Sidney Jones
Known aliases: Morph
Current Status: Deceased
Group affiliation: Former member of the X-Men & Factor Three
Powers: Shapeshifting
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #35
Last Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #42
History: Changeling was a member of Factor Three who battled the X-Men. He reformed when the group disbanded and was appointed by Professor X to disguise as him when the latter when in seclusion to prepare for the battle with the Z-Nox. Unfortunately, during his time with the X-Men, he was killed when halting a device that threatened to destroy the planet. After his sacrifice, he was given honorary X-Men membership.


Real name: Daniel Dash
Group affiliation: Member of Cerebro's X-Men
Powers: Discharge plasma beams
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #360
Last appearance: X-Men #80
History: Daniel Dash is a program created by Cerebro to mimic the X-Men. He was defeated and Cerebro terminated the program.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the new Gene Nation
Powers: Unknown
First appearance: Storm #3
History: After Storm purged the Hill, he was sent to a village in Africa. His whereabouts after the attack of Humanity's Last Stand is unknown.

Lila Cheney

Real name: Lila Cheney
Group affiliation: Former ally to the New Mutants
Powers: Teleport
First appearance: New Mutants Annual #1
History: Lila Cheney is a rock star and also an intergalactic thief. She first came in contact with the New Mutants when they went to her concert. At one time, she was romantically involved with Cannonball. She had many adventures with the New Mutants, X-Factor and X-Men.


Real name: Unknown
Powers: Psionic illusion
First appearance: Wolverine #97
History: Chimera is an assassin assigned to kill Wolverine. She was seemingly killed in an implosion with Dirt Nap but was actually transported to another dimension. She was released by Emplate.

China Doll

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of Technet
Powers: Shrinking touch
First appearance: Excalibur Special Edition #1
History: China Doll is a member of Technet, a band of bounty hunters from various dimensions. They had encountered Excalibur many times and both fought alongside and against them.


Real name: Ch'od
Group affiliation: Member of the Starjammers
Powers: Strength
Weapons: Guns
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Ch'od was a slave in the Sh'iar dungeons during the rule of D'Ken. He escaped with Corsair and formed the Starjammers to oppose the rule of the Sh'iar. He is still a member even after D'Ken was dethroned.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, died when Asteroid M was destroyed
Group affiliation: Former member of the Acolytes
Powers: Flight, transmutation
First appearance: X-Men #1
Last appearance: X-Men #3
History: Chrome was one of Magneto's first Acolytes. He was killed in the destruction of Asteroid M.


Real name: Paladin Ch'Vayre
Group affiliation: Former member of the Apocalypse's Prelates
Skills: Commando
First appearance: Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix #1
History: Ch''Vayre was born in the future and transported to the present by Sanctity, to watch over Cable so that he would fulfil his destiny. He allied with Sebastian Shaw and Donald Pierce in order to bring Cable and Apocalypse together. He was betrayed by Sebastian Shaw and was trapped in one of Apocalypse's hibernation chambers. He awoke in the future and became one of Apocalypse's Prelate. He spent years of pursuit of the Clan Dayspring. When Cyclops and Phoenix were sent to the future, he found himself allied to them in the battle that ended Apocalypse's reign. To atone for his lost of faith, he raised Stryfe, the heir to Apocalypse.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Unknown
Group affiliation: None
Powers: Call up energy sword
First appearance: X-Force #62
History: Clear Cut infiltrated Sebastian Shaw's Hellfire Club and was ordered to capture X-Force. He later rescued them and defeated Shaw, claiming that his debt to Cable is paid.


Real name: Clive
Current status: Deceased
Group affiliation: Member of the Brotherhood
First appearance: Brotherhood #4
Last appearance: Brotherhood #4


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Orphan
Group affiliation: Organiser of the new X-Force
First appearance: X-Force #116
First appearance: X-Force #120
History: Coach was the manager of the new commercial X-Force. He secretly planned the death of the first team. He was killed by Orphan when he tried to molest U-Go Girl.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Twisted Sisters
First appearance: X-Men #105


Real name: Wade Cole
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Sentinel
Group affiliation: Member of the Reavers, former member of the Hellfire Club
Weapons: Cybernetic limbs, guns
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #133
Last appearance: Uncanny X-Men #281
History: Cole was a knight of the Hellfire Club who was severely injured by Wolverine. Donald Pierce recruited him to join his Reavers. He was killed by Fitzroy.


Real name: Han, Chang, Lin, Sun & Ho Tao-Yu
Group affiliation: Member of 3-Peace
Powers: Merge into 1 being
First appearance: Contest of the Champions #1
History: The Collective Man was a part of 3-Peace who were manipulated by Reignfire to fight X-Force.

Rusty CollinsRusty (MLF)

Real name: Rusty Collins
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Holocaust
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes; Former member of New Mutants, X-Terminators & Mutant Liberation Front
Powers: Pyrokinesis
First appearance: X-Factor #1
Final appearance: X-Men #42
History: Rusty Collins was rescued by X-Factor on the streets. He had a criminal record and had served his period. He joined the New Mutants for a while. Later, he and Skids were brainwashed by Stryfe and joined the Mutant Liberation Front. They were later cured by Magneto and joined his Acolytes. During the destruction of Avalon, he was killed by Holocaust.

ColossusColossus (Acolytes)Colossus (Excalibur)Colossus

Real name: Piotr (Peter) Nikolaievitch Rasputin
Current status: Deceased, sacrifice himself to cure the Legacy Virus
Group affiliation: Member of X-Men; former member of the Excalibur & Acolytes
Powers: Convert body to steel, strength
Known Relatives: Illyana Nikolovna Rasputina (Magik, sister, deceased), Mikhail (brother), Nikolai (father, deceased), Alexandra Rasputina (mother, deceased)
First appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1
Last appearance: Uncanny X-Men #390
History: Piotr Rasputin was recruited to join the X-Men by Professor Xavier. He served the team until his sister's death, to join the Acolytes. After the fall of Avalon, he joined Excalibur. Eventually, he returned to the States to rejoin the X-Men. He sacrificed his life to release the cure to the Legacy Virus.

Commando2.jpg (12204 bytes)Commando

Real name: Frank Bohannan
Known aliases: Crimson Commando
Group affiliation: Former member of Freedom Force
Powers: Peak physical perfection
Skills: Excellent combatant & commando
Weapons: Cybernetic body & arm; formerly: knives
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #215
History: Frank Bohannan was a hero in his prime. In recent years, he returned as a vigilante. He was captured and sanctioned into Freedom Force. During one of the mission, he was seriously injured and turned into a cyborg. When the team was disbanded, he became a mercenary.

Commando II

Real name: M'Nell
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Weapons: Battle Suit, flight device
First appearance: Imperial Guard #1
History: M'Nell is the Kree representative of the Imperial Guard. He joined the team adventure on Earth.

Commando III

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of the Brotherhood of Mutants
Powers: Unknown
First appearance: X-Men #106
History: The new Commando was a brief menmber of Mystique's Brotherhood of Mutants.


Real name: Gareb Bashur
Group affiliation: Executive Elite
Powers: Receive and store data transmissions
First appearance: Deadpool: The Circle Chase #2
History: Commcast was a member of the Executive Elite, a trio of assassins-for-hire. After their failed attempt at capturing Deadpool, Commcast was the only one to survive.


Real name: Sekhmet Conoway
First appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #1

Valerie CooperValarie Cooper

Real name: Valarie Cooper
Group affiliation: Government agent
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #176
History: Valarie Cooper was the leader of the Presidential Commission on Superhuman Activities formed to control superhuman activities. She was responsible for turning the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to Freedom Force. She worked closely with the X-Men and X-Factor.

Copycat (Domino form)CopycatCopycat

Real name: Vanessa Carlysle
Current status: Deceased
Powers: Shape change
Skills: Expert spy & actress
First Appearance: New Mutants #97
Last Appearance: Deadpool #59
History: Vanessa Carlyle was a former lover of Deadpool. She was later used by Genesis to imitate Domino and infiltrate into X-Force. 


Real name: Peter Corbeau
First appearance: Hulk #148


Real name: Christopher Summers
Group affiliation: Leader of the Starjammers
Skills: Swordsman
Weapons: Scimitar
Notable Relatives : Scott (Cyclops, son), Alex (Havok, son), Jean Grey (Phoenix, daughter-in-law), Nathan (Cable, grand son), Rachel (Mother Askani, grand daughter), Eliya (Jenskot, grand daughter-in-law, deceased), Tyler Dayspring (Genesis, great grandson), Philip (father), Deborah (mother), Katherine Anne (wife, deceased)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Christopher Summers plane was shot down by Sh'iar fighters. He pushed his two sons, Scott and Alex off the plane before he and his wife were transported to the Sh'iar world. His wife was killed by D'Ken and he was imprisoned. He escaped with three other inmates and formed the Starjammers.

Tom Corsi

Real name: Tom Corsi
First appearance: New Mutants #19

Fabian Cortez

Real name: Fabian Cortez
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes; former member of the Upstarts
Powers: Enhance other's mutant powers
First appearance: X-Men #1
History: Fabian Cortez led a band of mutants to Magneto and formed the Acolytes. However, he was actually participating in an Upstart game organised by Gamesmaster and tried to kill Magneto. Exodus hunted him down and seemingly killed him. He returned to try to take over the Acolytes but failed. He remains in Genosha, inside Magneto's government council, waiting for a chance to take over again.

Count Nefaria

Real name: Luchino Nefaria
Group affiliation: Former member of the Maggia; former leader of the Lethal Legion II and the Ani-Men
Powers: Strength, ionic energy, flight
First appearance: Avengers #13
History: Nefaria was born to a noble Italian family descent. He built his criminal empire through wealth and technology. He had many encounters with various heroes including the Avengers adn the X-Men. During one of these encounters, the X-Man Thunderbird was killed.

CourierCourier (female form)

Real name: Jacob Gavin, Jr.
Aliases: Jacqueline Gavin, Jr.
Powers: Shape change
First Appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #1
History: Courier is a middle man for "jobs" in the underworld. He became allied with Gambit on a mission in time and was accidentally stuck in a woman's form by Sinister.


Real name: Cr'ee
Group affiliation: Member of the Starjammers
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Cr'ee is the companion of Ch'od. He joined Ch'od and formed the Starjammers to oppose the rule of the Sh'iar. He is still a member even after D'Ken was dethroned.

Graydon Creed

Real name: Graydon Creed
Current Status: Deceased, killed by unknown assailant
Group affiliation: Former member of the Upstarts & leader of Friends of Humanity
Known Relatives: Victor Creed (Sabretooth, father), Raven Darkholme (Mystique, mother), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler, half brother)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #299
Last appearance: X-Factor #136
History: Graydon Creed was the son of Savretooth and Mystique. He grew up with a hate for mutants. He formed the Friends of Humanity to fight mutants. During his run for president, he was killed by an unknown assailant.


Real name: Byron Calley
Aliases: Burner
Group affiliation: Member of the Resistants; former member of the Mutant Force
Powers: Project fire
First appearance: Captain America Annual #4
History: Crucible was formerly known as Burner, a member of Mutant Force. He later changed his name and joined the Resistants.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Selene
Group affiliation: Member of the Externals
Powers: Strength, speed, immortality
First appearance: X-Force #12
Final appearance: X-Force #54
History: Cruel was one of the immortal Externals. However, he was shunned by the others because of his ferocity. He was killed by Selene.


Real name: Cristal Lemiuex
Group affiliation: Member of Cerebro's X-Men
Powers: Fire and cold blast
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #360
Last appearance: X-Men #80
History: Cristal Lemiuex was a program created by Cerebro to mimic the X-Men. She was defeated by the X-Men and Cerebro terminated the program..


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Agent of Ransome Sole
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #383


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Harpoon
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Body release acid
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #211
Last appearance: Uncanny X-Men #211
History: Cybelle was a member of the Morlocks. She was killed by Harpoon.


Real name: Silas Burr
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Genesis
Powers: Release hallucinogen gas
Weapons: Adamantium claws & skin
First appearance: Wolverine #80
Last appearance: Wolverine #96
History: Cyber and Wolverine had a past history. He later faced Wolverine when he tried to take over Madripoor's underworld. Much later, the Dark Riders took him to Genesis who killed him to use his adamantium to restore Wolverine's skeleton.

Cyclops (Original)CyclopsCyclops (X-Factor)SlymCyclopsCyclopsCyclops

Real name: Scott Summers
Known aliases: Slym, Slim
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; Former member of X-Factor
Powers: Concussive optic blast (Cannot control powers without ruby visor or glasses)
Notable Relatives : Jean Grey (Phoenix, wife), Alex (Havok, brother), Christopher (Corsair, father), Nathan (Cable, son), Rachel (Mother Askani, daughter), Eliya (Jenskot, daughter-in-law, deceased), Tyler Dayspring (Genesis, grandson), Philip (grandfather), Deborah (grandmother), Madelyne Pryor (ex-wife), Katherine Anne (mother, deceased), John (father-in-law), Elaine (mother-in-law)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1
History: Scott Summers was the first mutant to be recruited into the X-Men. He served as a member until for a period when he married Madelyne Pryor and left the team to be with his family. Madelyne turned out to be a clone of Jean Grey, his old sweetheart. He then formed X-Factor with the other original X-Men members. Madelyne later turned up as the evil Goblin Queen and was seemingly killed. Later, he and the rest of X-Factor rejoined the X-Men. After a long romance period, he finally married Jean Grey. In a battle with Apocalypse, he was merged with the latter.


Real name: Cylla Markham
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Bloodscream
Group affiliation: Member of the Reavers
Powers: Cybernetic body
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #281
First appearance: Wolverine #78
History: Cylla was recruited by Donald Pierce to serve as the new Skullbuster of the Reavers. She was programmed to hunt and kill Wolverine but failed. She was killed by Bloodscream.


Real name: Douglas Ramsey
Current Status: Deceased, killed by the Ani-Mator
Group affiliation: Former member of the New Mutants
Powers: Read any languages and codes
Known Relatives: Philip (father), Sheila (sister)
First appearance: New Mutants #13
Last Appearance: New Mutants #60
History: Douglas Ramsey was recruited by the Hellions but joined the New Mutants. He served as a member until he was killed by Ani-Mator.

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