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X-Men - E Page


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Create tremors
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #137
History: Earthquake is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. He was one of those who opposed the Supreme Intelligence on Earth.


Gayle Edgerton

Real name: Gayle Edgerton
Group affiliation: Former member of Emplate's Hellions
Powers: Psychic vampire
First appearance:
History: Gayle Edgerton is a former girl friend of Chamber who grew a deep hatred for him. She joined Emplate's Hellions in battle against Generation X.

        El Guapo

Real name: Robbie Rodriguez
Group affiliation: Member of X-Statix
Powers: Control skateboard
First appearance: X-Statix #10
History: El Guapo or the "Handsome One" is one of the latest addition to X-Statix. He was added mainly because of his good looks..

        Electric Eve

Real name: Eve
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Electric bolts
First appearance: Morlocks #1
History: Electric Eve is a member of a small group Morlocks. She was once a runaway who was cheated by her ex-boyfriend. With the help of hte Morlocks, she got her revenge by killing him.



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Magnetism
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Electron is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. It is known that he is of royal blood. He was one of those who opposed the Supreme Intelligence on Earth.



Real name: Eleven
Group affiliation: Member of the Clan Chosen
Weapons: Robotic body, disable weapons
First appearance: Cable #1
History: Eleven is a an android member of Cable's Clan Chosen. He is the same model with Zero.

Elsie Dee

Real name: Elsie Dee
Powers: Robotic body, self-destruct
First appearance: Wolverine #38
History: Elsie Dee was a robot created by Donald Pierce to kill Wolverine. She was designed to self-destruct when near Wolverine. However, since she was given a maximum logic system, she refused to sacrifice herself and reprogrammed Albert. After, Wolverine saved her, she became his ally.



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Neo
Powers: Control emotions
First appearance: X-Men #100
History: Tartarus is a member of the Neo who hunted the X-Men.


Real name: Emmanuel Alfonso Rodrigo De LaRocha
Group affiliation: Member of X-Corporation Los Angeles; former member of Hellions
Powers: Control emotions
First appearance: New Mutants #16
History: Emmanuel LaRocha was recruited by the Hellions. Later, he left with Magma to go to Nova Roma. Using his powers, he discovered that Nova Roma was actually captured people by Selene. He later became a member of the Los Angeles branch of the X-Corporation.



Real name: Marius St. Croix
Group affiliation: Leader of his version of the Hellions
Powers: Absorb forms
Other Aliases: M-Plate
Known Relatives: Monet, Claudette, Nicole (sisters)
First appearance: Generation X #1
History: Emplate is the brother of M and Penance. He is a psychic vampire who captured Penance and drew on her powers. He had opposed Generation X many times. He later merged with his sisters, the twins, Nicole and Claudette to form M-Plate, but were separated when Dirt Nap tried to absorb them.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Savage Land Mutates
Powers: Hypnotism
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #62
History: Equilibrius is a member of the Savage Land Mutates created by Magneto.



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Absorb energy and fire energy bolts from left eye
First appearance: Power Pack #12
History: Erg was a member of the Morlocks who helped Caliban kidnap Kitty Pryde. His whereabouts after the Mutant Massacre is unknown.

Eric the Red

Real name: Davan Shakari
Current status: Deceased
Group affiliation: Former employee of the Shi'ar Empire
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #97
Last appearance: Captain Marvel (2nd series) #3
History: Eric the Red was a name used by Shakari, a spy for the Sh'iar Empire.



Real name: Ernst
Group affiliation: Member of the Brotherhood; former student of Xavier's
Powers: Strength
First appearance: New X-Men #135
History: Ernst was one of the member of the "special class" at Xavier's Institute under the tutelage of Xorn. She became a member of the Brotherhood when Xorn was revealed to be Magneto.



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of Gene Nation
Powers: Psionics
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #325
History: Ever is a member of the Gene Nation who traveled from the Morlock world to gain revenge on the surface people. Later, he joined Havok's Brotherhood and helped the latter reform X-Factor.


Real name: Executioner
Current Status: Deceased, destroyed by Phoenix II
Group affiliation: Member of the Crazy Gang
Weapon: Scythe
First appearance: Excalibur #4
Last appearance:
History: Executioner was an android member of the Crazy Gang, a group of beings created by Sir James Jaspers of Earth 238. They had been in the employment of Slaymaster and Arcade, but were defeated by Excalibur.


Real name: Unknown
First appearance: X-Treme X-Men #5


Real name: Bennet du Paris @ Paris Bennet
Group affiliation: Former leader of the Acolytes
Powers: Psionics
First Appearance: X-Factor #92
History: During the Arthurian Age, Bennet du Paris went on a journey with the Black Knight and gained power from Apocalypse. He was placed in stasis until revived by Magneto. He joined his Acolytes and took over the group when Magneto's mind was erased. He was seemingly destroyed in a battle with Nate Grey but returned to impersonate Magneto in Genosha when the latter was captured by Apocalypse. His current fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.


Real name: Zoe Cullden
Weapon: Dimensional travel suit
First appearance: Wolverine #97
History: Zoe Cullden was rescued from an orphanage by Chang to be an employee of the inter-dimensional company, Landau, Luckman and Lake. She is in charge of Wolverine's and Deadpool's case.


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