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X-Men - F Page


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Shi'ar Imperial Superguardians
Powers: Invisibility
First appearance: New X-Men #124
History: Fader is a member of the Imperial Superguardian who attacked the X-Men under the orders of Lilandra who was controled by Cassandra Nova. He was defeated by Wolverine.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Brotherhood
First appearance: Brotherhood #1
Last appearance: Brotherhood #9


Real name: Autumn Rolfson
Group affiliation: Former member of Apocalypse's Horsemen
Powers: Turn organic matter to dust
First appearance: X-Factor #12
History: Autumn Rolfson was recruited by Apocalypse to become one of his Horsemen. Famine battled X-Factor but was defeated. Her fate after Apocalypse reformed his Horsemen is unknown.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Brood
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Agility, claws
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
Final appearance: Uncanny X-Men #162
History: Fang is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. He betrayed the team to Deathbird but was killed by the Brood.

Fang III

Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Cerise
Powers: Agility, claws
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Excalibur #69
Final appearance: Excalibur #70
History: The female Fang was hired to assassinate Cerise, but was killed by the latter.

Fang IV

Real name: Unknown
Powers: Agility, claws
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Starjammers #4
History: The third Sh'iar Fang appeared as a member of the Imperial Guard during the confrontation with the Uncreated.


Real name: Jean-Phillippe
Otehr aliases: Weapon XIII
First appearance: New X-Men #128



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of the Brotherhood
Powers: Bend light waves, teleport
Skills: Assassin
Weapons: Poison spike
First appearance: X-Factor #112
History: Fatale is an assassin hired by the Dark Beast. She joined Havok's Brotherhood.


Real name: Andrea & Andreas Strucker
Group affiliation: Former member of the Upstarts
Powers: When in physical contact, Andrea (disintegrating beam) & Andreas (concussive force)
Notable Relatives: Baron Wolfgang von Strucker (father)
First appearance: X-Men #194
History: Andrea and Andreas Strucker are the twin children of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, former leader of HYDRA. Both of them have created a criminal syndicate of their own and clashed with the X-Men many times.

FeralFeral (1st X-Force)

Real name: Maria Calasantos
Group affiliation: Member of X-Corporation Mumbai, former member of the X-Force, Mutant Liberation Front,  Morlocks & King Bedlam's Hellions
Powers: Claws, agility, enhanced senses
Known Relatives: Lucia Calasantos (Thonn, sister)
First appearance: New Mutants #98
History: When Maria Calasantos killed her mother, she fled and joined the Morlocks. Later, she came upon New Mutants' base and joined X-Force. She was later recruited by Reignfire into Mutant Liberation Front. She was eventually captured by the police when it was discovered that she murdered her mother. She was recruited by King Bedlam into his new Hellions. Later, she appeared as a member of the Mumbai division of X-Corporation.

FeronFeron (Executioner)

Real name: Feron
Other Aliases: Executioner
Group affiliation: Member of the Crazy Gang; former member of Excalibur
Powers: Magic
First Appearance: Excalibur #48
History: Feron was a minion of Necrom. However, he rebelled and temporary joined Excalibur. Later, he returned as a member of the Crazy Gang, seeking revenge from Captain Britain for leaving him in the timestream.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of Technet
Powers: 4 arms
Skills: Swordsman
First appearance: Excalibur Special Edition #1
History: Ferro is a member of Technet, a band of bounty hunters from various dimensions. They had encountered Excalibur many times and both fought alongside and against them.

Fever Pitch

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of the Dark Beast's Gene Nation and X-Corp
Powers: Shoot fire, flight
First appearance: Generation X #50
History: Fever Pitch first appeared as a member of the Dark Beast's Gene Nation. After defeat by Nate Grey and Generation X, he later resurfaced trying to capture Abyss. He was recruited into the X-Corp but betrayed the team with Mystique.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Assassin Guild
Powers: Intangibility (granted by Candra)
Skills: Assassin
First appearance: X-Men #39
History: Fifolet is a member of the New Orleans Assassin Guild. He was one of the chief assassins working for Belladonna in her revenge of Rogue.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Brotherhood
First appearance: Brotherhood #1
Last appearance: Brotherhood #5


Real name: Jack Farley
Weapons: Fireball shooter
First appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #1


Real name: Angelica Jones
Group affiliation: Reserved member of the Avengers; former member of New Warriors
Powers: Release microwave heat, flight
Known Relatives: Bartholomew (father)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #193
History: Angelica Jones was recruited by Emma Frost in her Massachusetts Academy. She later left the academy and joined the New Warriors. Later, when the Avengers were attacked by Morgana Le Fey, she was given membership.

FitzroyFitzroy (Hellfire Club)Chronomancer

Real name: Trevor Fitzroy
Current status: Deceased
Other Aliases: White Rook, Chronomancer
Group affiliation: Member of the Hellfire Club; former member of the Upstarts
Powers: Time travel, absorb life energy
Weapons: High-tech armour
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #281
Last appearance: Bishop #14
History: Fitzroy is a terrorist from Bishop's future. He traveled to the past and killed the Reavers and the Hellions. He joined the Upstarts games and was apparently killed. He later returned to join the Hellfire Club formed by Selene.


Real name: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Member of the X.U.E., former member of the X.S.E.
Powers: Turn to energy
First appearance: X-Factor #140
History: Fixx was a member of the X.S.E. in Bishop's future. Together with Archer and Greystone, they formed the X.U.E. to fight mutant menace underground. They found Shard and convinced her to help release Fitzroy and use his powers to travel back in time. They failed, but when Shard traveled back to the past and was bonded to Polaris, they also followed. She entered the body of a woman who died in a bus accident. Their first mission is to stop Havok from releasing the Dark Beast's patients who had a special Legacy Virus that is capable of infecting humans.


Real name: Fiz
Group Affiliation: Member of Cadre K, former ally of the X-Men
Powers: Shape and size change
First appearance: X-Men #95
History: Fiz is a mutant Skrull who was shunned by the society. He came to Earth during Apocalypse's gathering of the Twelve and aided the X-Men in confronting Apocalypse. He left for space with his fellow mutant Skrulls.


Real name: Granzz
Known aliases: Tempest
Group Affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Fire electricity
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Granzz is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. He was one of those who opposed the Supreme Intelligence on Earth.


Real name: Unknown
Powers: Go into dreams
First appearance: Gambit (Vol. 3) #1
History: Fontanelle first appeared trying to learn about the X-Men Gambit. 


Real name: Michael McCain
Current status: Deceased, killed by Anaconda
Group affiliation: Former member of the Mutant Liberation Front
Powers: Strength, four arms
First appearance: New Mutants #86
Last appearance: Wolverine #167
History: Michael McCain was recruited by Stryfe as a member of the Mutant Liberation Front. He remained in the team when Reignfire reformed it. Recently, he left the team when they were capture by Prime Sentinels. He was killed by Anaconda during a wrestling match.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Leader of X-Factor; former member of the X-Men
Powers: Understand alien technology, magic
Skill: Brilliant inventor
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #184
History: Forge was trained as a shaman from young. After the Vietnam War, where he severed his arm and leg, he stopped using magic. He was recruited by the government and was responsible for Storm to lose her powers. He temporary joined the X-Men to battle the Reavers. Later, he became liaison for X-Factor.

Lee Forrester

Real name: Aleytys "Lee" Forrester
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men # 143
History: Lee Forrester runs a fishing boat in Florida. She encountered Cyclops and helped him defeat D'Spayre who had killed her father. She later rescued Magneto who crashed on Earth after Asteroid M was destroyedA romance grew with Magneto. They parted ways when Magneto was recruited by Prof. X to battle the Beyonder. She later met with Cable when she was attacked by Senyaka.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Life Force
Group affiliation: Former member of the Dark Riders
Powers: Hand blades
First appearance: X-Factor #65
Last appearance: Cable #17
History: Foxbat was an original member of the Dark Riders. He had served Apocalypse and Stryfe. He was hunted down and killed by the new Dark Riders.


Real name: Spike Freeman
Group affiliation: Sponsor of X-Statix
First appearance: X-Force #120
History: Spike Freeman is the sponsor and the man behind X-Staitx.


Real name: Sharon Friedlander
First appearance: New Mutants #19

Adrienne Frost

Real name: Adrienne Frost
Current Status: Deceased, killed by White Queen
Group affiliation: Former member of the Hellfire Club
First appearance: Generation X #49
Last appearance: Generation X #75
History: Adrienne Frost is the sister of Emma Frost, the White Queen. She was always in constatnt competition with her sister. Her final plot succeeded in exposing the Massachussetts Academy as a school for mutants and resulted in the death of Synch. She was fatally shot by the White Queen.

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