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X-Men - N Page


Real name: Nance
Group affiliation: Former servant of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Acolytes
First appearance: X-Men #1
History: Nance was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was on pursuit for the Acolytes. She later appeared as a member of the Acolytes but her whereabouts after Magneto's base crashed is unknown.



Nanny I

Real name: Nanny
Group affiliation: Former servant of Magneto
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #112
History: Nanny was formerly created by Magneto in the Savage Land. Later, she captured the X-Men and held a trial for Gambit's participation in the Mutant Massacre. 

Nanny II

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of the Right
Powers: Limited telepathy
Weapons: Egg shell, "pixie dust", guns
First appearance: X-Factor #33
History: Nanny was formerly a member of the Right. When she found out that the group was trying to destroy mutants, she was captured and placed into an egg-shaped suit. She has since dedicated her life to "save" mutant children, killing their parents and keeping them in suspended animation. Her plans were foiled by X-Factor.


Real name: N'astirh
Current Status: Deceased
Group affiliation: Demons of Limbo
Powers: Magic, flight, techno-organic body
First appearance: X-Terminators #1
Last appearance: Uncanny X-Men #242
History: N'astirh was a demon from Limbo. He rebeled against Belasco and became a master sorcerer. He was summoned by S'ym during Inferno but betrayed the latter. He was killed in a battle with X-Factor and the X-Men.


Real name: Naze
Current status: Deceased, killed by the Adversary
Powers: Magic
First appearance:
Last appearance:
History: Naze was the teacher of Forge. He was killed by the Adversary who took over his form.


Real name: Unknown
Other aliases: Holocaust
Group affiliation: Former member of Apocalypse's Horsemen in the Age of Apocalypse
Powers: Release energy, absorb life force
First appearance: X-Men: Alpha
History: Holocaust was a member of Apocalypse's Horsemen in the Age of Apocalypse. He was accidently transported to mainstream in abattle with Nate Grey. Since his arrival, he was responsible for the massacre of Avalon and later joined Onslaught and battled the Avengers.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes
Powers: Travel in astral form
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #300
History: Neophyte was one of the new Acolytes recruited by Magneto. However, he rebeled and was cast out by Exodus. He returned to the Acolytes when Magneto launched an attack on the world. His current fate after the destruction of Genosha remains unknown.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Superguardians
Powers: Deductive brain, multiple bodies
Weapons: Flight device
First Appearance: New X-Men #124
History: Neosaurus is a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Superguardians who was sent to destroy all mutants on Earth when Cassandra Nova manipulated the empire.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of Hellbent
First Appearance:
History: The origin of the man called Ness is unknown. His first appeared having a dream about Nate Grey causing the end of the world. He has since became the latter's ally.


Real name: Unknown
Other Aliases: Quasar
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Strength
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Quasar is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. He was a traitor who supported Deathbird but has rejoined the team.

New SunNew Sun

Real name: Remy Lebeau of an alternate reality
Current status: Deceased, killed by Gambit
Other Aliases: New Son
Powers: Bio-kinetic energy
First appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #8
Last appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #24
History: The man known originally as the New Son first appeared to commission Gambit on several quests. He was later revealed to be an alternate reality version of Gambit whose power has destroyed his world and is now bent on destroying all versions of Gambit. He was defeated by Gambit.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by the Legacy Virus
Group affiliation: Member of the Externals
Powers: Immortality
First appearance: X-Force #10
Final appearance: X-Force #20
History: Nicodemus was one of the immortal Externals. He died from the Legacy Virus.


NightcrawlerNightcrawler (Second Excalibur)NightcrawlerNightcrawlerNightcrawler

Real name: Kurt Wagner
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; former member of Excalibur
Powers: Teleport, walk on walls
Known Relatives: Raven Darkholme (Mystique, mother), Graydon Creed (half brother), Eric Wagner (foster father, deceased), Margali Szardos (foster mother), Jemaine Szardos (Amanda Sefton, foster sister), Stefan Szardos (foster brother, deceased)
First appearance: Giant X-Men #1
History: When Kurt Wagner was born, he was abandoned by his mother, Mystique. He was found by Margali Szardos who raised him. After he unintentionally killed Stefan Szardos, he joined the X-Men. He served the team until he suffered injuries during the Mutant Massacre. He left for Muir Island and later formed Excalibur.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Create darkness
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #107
History: Nightside is a member of the Sh'iar Imperial Guard. His past remains unknown. She was one of those who opposed the Supreme Intelligence on Earth.


Real name: Nina
Group affiliation: Member of the Mannites
First appearance: Onslaught: Epilogue


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of Xavier's Institute
Powers: Unknown
First mentioned: New X-Men #135
History:  No-Girl was supposed to be a member of the "special class" at Xavier's Institute under the tutelage of Xorn. However, she was never seen or heard but only mentioned by the students..


Real name: Talia Josephine Wagner
Group affiliation: Member of the Exiles
First appearance: Blink #4
History:  Nocturne is Nightcrawler's daughter in an alternate reality. She joined Blink's group of the Exiles.


NorthstarNorthstarNorthstar (X-Men)Northstar

Real name: Jean-Paul Beaubier
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; former member of Alpha Flight
Powers: Speed flight
Notable Relatives : Jean-Marie Beaubier (Aurora, sister)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
History: Jean-Paul Beaubier was orphaned as an infant and separated from his twin sister. He was adopted and named Martin. Later, a ma named Raymonde Belmode took him uder his wing. For a time he journeyed to France and also joined a circus as an acrobat. He was also once a member of the Quebec Nationalists. He then became a champion skier. He was contacted by Guardian to join Alpha Flight where he met his sister. He remained in the team until it was disbanded. He is not a part of the second team. Northstar is the only superhero who had revealed that he is gay. He was later recruited in to the X-Men.

Cassandra Nova

Real name: Cassandra Nova
Powers: Telepathy
First appearance: New X-Men #114
History: Cassandra Nova is the twin sister of Charles Xavier, whom he murdered when they were stilled in the womb. To gain revenge, she formed a plot to destroy all mutants on Earth. She was responsible for the destruction of Genosha and almost destroyed the Shi'ar Empire. She was finally tricked to inhabit the body of the Imperial Superguardian, Stuff.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Guard
Powers: Strength
Weapons: Flight device
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #155
History: N'rill'iree is a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard during Lord Samedar's take over.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of Technet
First appearance: Excalibur Special Edition #1
History: Numbers is a member of Technet, a band of bounty hunters from various dimensions. They had encountered Excalibur many times and both fought alongside and against them.


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