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X-Men - P Page


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of king Bedlam's Hellions
Powers: Techno-organic body
First Appearance: X-Force #87
History: Paradigm was a member of King Bedlam's Hellions who confronted x-Force. Apparently he has risen above his biological body and now seeks to learn more of his techno-organic nature.

PenancePenanceSt. Croix Twins

Real name: Claudette and Nicole St. Croix
Group affiliation: Former member of Generation X
Former Alias: M I
Powers: Turn body diamond sharp & hard
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130 lbs
First appearance: Generation X #1
History: When their sister Monet was turned into Penance by Emplate, Claudette and Nicole took Monet's form and joined Generation X as M. Later, they were merged with Emplate into M-Plate but was separated. When Monet regained her true form, they took over Penance's form.


Real name: Unknown
Other aliases: Plague
Current Status: Deceased, died while falling off steed
Group affiliation: Former member of Apocalypse's Horsemen & Morlocks
Powers: Cause disease
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130 lbs
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169
Last appearance: X-Factor #25
History: Plague was a member of the Morlocks before she became Pestilence. Together with the rest of the Horsemen, she battled X-Factor but died when she fell off her steed.


Real name: Inapplicable
Powers: Techno-organic base (assume mechanical functions, shape change)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #305
History: The existence of the Phalanx was first known when the New Mutant Warlock came to Earth, pursued by his father Magus. The Phalanx launched an assault on Earth in the Phalanx Covenant. They were defeated by the combined efforts of the X-Teams.



Real name: Eileen Harshaw
Group affiliation: Former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Powers: Disrupt powers, bio-electric blasts, flight, hide from sensors
First appearance: X-Force #6
History: Phantazia was a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants organized by Toad to battle X-Force. She was offered a place with the Acolytes but declined.



Real name: William Robert "Billy Bob" Reilly
Group affiliation: X-Statix; former member of the commercial X-Force
Powers: Grow fats
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First appearance: X-Force #117
History: Phat joined the new commercial X-Force after the first team was destroyed. Together with Vivisector, they were later revealed to be gay.


Marvel GirlMarvel GirlMarvel GirlMarvel Girl (First X-Factor)Marvel Girl (X-Factor)Jean Grey (SHIELD)PhoenixReddPhoenix (Astral Armor)PhoenixPhoenix

Real name: Jean Grey Summers
Known aliases: Marvel Girl, Redd
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; Former member of the original X-Men & X-Factor
Powers: Telekinesis, telepathy
Notable Relatives : Scott Summers (Cyclops, husband), Alex Summers (Havok, brother-in-law), Christopher Summers (Corsair, father-in-law), Rachel Summers (Mother Askani, daughter), Nathan Summers (Cable, step-son), Eliya (Jenskot, step-daughter-in-law, deceased), Tyler Dayspring (Genesis, step-grandson), Philip (grandfather-in-law), Deborah (grandmother-in-law), Sara (sister, deceased), John (father), Elaine (mother), Gailyn (niece), Joey (nephew), Katherine Anne (mother-in-law, deceased)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1
History: Jean Grey was the first student of Professor Charles Xavier and was later recruited into the X-Men. She served as a member until she was replaced by the Phoenix. Later, she was discovered by the Fantastic Four to be preserved in a cocoon under the river. Together with the other original X-Men, they formed X-Factor. It was revealed that Madelyne Pryor was a clone of her. She later rejoined the X-Men together with the other members of X-Factor.

PiercePierce (Hellfire Club)Pierce

Real name: Donald Pierce
Known aliases: White Bishop
Group affiliation: Leader of the Reavers, former member of the Hellfire Club
Weapons: Cybernetic limbs
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 240 lbs
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #132
History: Donald Pierce was a member of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. He was expelled from the group when he tried to recruit Dazzler. He gathered a team of cyborgs called Reavers and clashed with the X-Men and especially Wolverine. He was seemingly destroyed by Fitzroy's Sentinels but later returned.


Real name: Unknown
First appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #4



Real name: Pilgrimm
Group affiliation: Ru'Tai
First appearance: X-Men #75
History: Pilgrimm is a warrior of the Ru-Tai. The Ru'Tai was once slaves to the N'Garai. The Ru'Tai rebeled and killed their oppressors.


Real name: Cormick Grimshaw
Group affiliation: Former member of the Press Gang
Powers: Convert people to binary electrical impulses
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #235
History: Pipeline was a member of the Genoshan Press Gang who hunts down escaped mutants of Genosha. However, he became a member of Magneto's ruling council when the latter took over Genosha. His current fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Savage Land Mutates
Powers: Control animals with music
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 135 lbs
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #62
History: Piper is a member of the Savage Land Mutates created by Magneto.



Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Control animals with music
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 170 lbs
First appearance: Power Pack #11
History: Piper was a member of the Morlocks. His whereabouts after the Mutant Massacre are unknown.


Real name: Leila O'Toole
Powers: Release Plasma bolts
First appearance: Marvel Comics Present #24


Real name: Unknown
Current status: Deceased, killed by missile
Group affiliation: Former member of the commercial X-Force
Powers: Protoplasmic body
Height: Variable
Weight: Interminate
First appearance: X-Force #116
Last appearance: X-Force #116
History: Plazm was one of the original members of the new commercial X-Force. He was killed by a missile in a mission.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Imperial Superguardians
Powers: Strength, phazing
Weapons: Flight device, armor
Height: 6'
Weight: 160 lbs
First appearance: New X-Men #124
History: Plutonia is a member of the Imperial Superguardian who attacked the X-Men under the orders of Lilandra who was controled by Cassandra Nova.

MagnetrixPolaris (Original Polaris)PowerhousePolarisPolarisPolaris (Acolyte)Polaris (Acolytes)

Real name: Lorna Dane
Other Aliases: Magnetrix, Powerhouse
Group affiliation: Former member X-Factor, Acolytes and X-Men
Powers: Control magnetism, flight (caused by magnetic powers)
Known Relatives: Zala (sister, deceased)
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 138 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #49
History: Lorna Dane's powers emerged with the intervention of Machinesmith and Mesmero. She broke free of the mind control and joined the X-Men. She and Havok found that they are not suitable as adventurers and left the team. During the Mutant Massacre, she was possessed by Malice. She was finally cured when she was captured by her sister Zaladane who stole her powers. During this time, she gained super-human strength and endurance. After the death of Zaladane, she joined the government-sanctioned team, X-Factor. Later, she joined Magneto's Acolytes after defeating Apocalypse in the gathering of the Twelve. She was revealed to have survived the destruction of Genosha.


Real name: Kevin Tremain
Current status: Deceased, killed by Pyro
Group affiliation: Member of the Brotherhood of Mutants
Powers: Cybernetic plates as cloaking, recording, blasters, etc.
Height: 8'
Weight: 790 lbs
First appearance: X-Men #50
History: Kevin Tremain was saved by Cable after a series of experiments by the Mandarin As Post, he was an agent of Onslaught, sent to test the X-Men. After nearly killing them, he disappeared. Later, he appeared as a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants during Cerebro's attack. He was killed by Pyro when he attempted to assassinate Senator Robert Kelly.


Real name: David
Group affiliation: Member of the Morlocks
Powers: Erase memory
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170 lbs
First appearance: Morlocks #1
History: Postman is a member of a group of Morlocks who banded together to perform a last deed for each other before leaving the surface world. His was to deliver a letter to his comatosed wife whom he accidentally erased her memory.

Claude Potier

Real name: Claude Potier
Group affiliation: Member of New Orleans Unified Guild; former member of the Thieves' Guild
Skills: Thief
First appearance: Gambit (3rd series) #17
History: Claude Potier is the last surviving member of Clan Potier of the New Orleans' Thieves Guild. He became a member of Gambit's inner council of the Guild.

PrettyboyPretty BoyPretty Boy

Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Reavers
Weapons: Cybernetic limbs, extend limbs, mind-altering optic wires, guns
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 235 lbs
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #229
History: Pretty Boy was a member of the original Reavers. He joined Donald Pierce's group when the X-Men defeated him. He was seemingly killed by Fitzroy but later returned to battle the X-Men.

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Real name: Adam C. Breman
Powers: Turn to reptilian body, strength
First appearance: X-Men Unlimited #16
History: Adam C. Breman was a potential recruit for Xavier's Massachussetts Academy. However he declined as he decided to stay in a regular school enjoying his popularity as a mutant.


Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Marauders
Powers: Body reflect energy & give blinding light
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 260 lbs
First appearance: X-Factor #10
History: The past of Prism remains unknown. He appeared as a member of the Marauders during the Mutant Massacre. He was apparently killed but Mr. Sinister cloned him.


Professor XProf X

Real name: Charles Francis Xavier
Other aliases: Onslaught
Group affiliation: Founder of X-Men & New Mutants
Powers: Telepathy (one of the greatest in the world), Telekinesis
Known Relatives: David Haller (son, deceased), Cain Marko (Juggernaut, step brother), Kurt Marko (step father, deceased), Sharon Xavier Marko (mother, deceased), Brian (father, deceased)
Height: 6'
Weight: 173 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1
History: Professor Charles Xavier used his wealth to form the X-Men. Long ago, he was a good friend of Magneto but turned to bitter enemies due to conflict of ideologies. He also gained the enmity of his step brother, the Juggernaut. He remained as the team's advisor and also formed the New Mutants. Later, after wiping Magneto's mind, his personality split into the being called Onslaught. As a result, he lost his powers and was under custody of the government. He was freed during Cerebro's attack. He left the X-Men after the gathering of the Twelve to guide a group of mutant Skrulls to a new home.

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Real name: Unknown
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes
Powers: Project solid light, create energy structures
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 190 lbs
First appearance: Quicksilver #9
History: Projector was a member of the Acolytes who attacked the X-Men in their mansion under the leadership of Cortez. His fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.



Real name: Professor
Powers: Computer brain, mechanical body
First appearance: X-Factor #19
History: Prosh was formerly the computer of Apocalypse's sentient ship. Cable brought him back from the future and have aided him for a while until he gained a body and left for space.


Real name: Kevin MacTaggart
Current Status: Deceased, killed by Colossus
Powers: Alter reality
Known Relatives: Moira Kinross (mother), Lord Kinross (maternal grandfather), Joseph (father, deceased)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #125
Last Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #128
History: Kevin MacTaggart was the son of Dr. Moira MacTaggart, a long time ally of the X-Men and Excalibur. He became insane after gaining his powers and was killed by Colossus.

Paulie Provenzano

Real name: Paulie Provenzano
Group affiliation: Former ally of the X-Men
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #392
History: Paulie Provenzano was briefly recruited into the X-Men by Jean Grey on the mission to recue Prof. X from Genosha.

AnodyneGoblyn QueenMadelyne Pryor

Real name: Madelyne Jennifer Pryor Summers
Current status: Deceased
Known aliases: Anodyne, Goblyn Queen, Black Rook II
Group affiliation: Member of the new Hellfire Club; former ally of the X-Men & S'ym
Powers: Psionics (flight, concussive force, shield); As Anodyne: healing fires
Known Relatives: Scott Summers (ex-husband), Nathan Summers (Cable, son)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #168
Last appearance: X-Man #52
History: Madelyne Pryor is a clone of Jean Grey, created by Mr. Sinister. She was sent to meet Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops and eventually married him. They had a child, Nathan who will later be known as Cable. When Cyclops left her, she grew insane and became the Goblyn Queen. During Inferno, she was apparently killed. She was later revived by Nate Grey when he arrived on Earth. She briefly joined the new Hellfire Club as the Black Rook.


Real name: Jean Grey (of an alternate Earth)
Other aliases: Red Queen
Current status: Deceased
Powers: Psionics
First appearance: X-Man #67
Last appearance: X-Man #70
History: The second being known as Madelyne Pryor to encounter Nate Grey was actually a version of Jean Grey of an alternate Earth. She ruled a dimension under the guise of the Red Queen.

Psylocke (Original X-Men)Lady MandarinPsylockePsylocke (Hellfire Club)Psylocke (Crimson Dawn)Psylocke (Shadow form)PsylockePsylockePsylocke (Astral Armor)

Real name: Elisabeth "Betsy" Braddock
Current status: Deceased, killed by Vargas
Group affiliation: Member of the X-Men; former member of Hand
Former alias: Captain Britain II, Lady Mandarin
Powers: Telekinesis; formerly telepathy, Psi-knives, Merge into shadows
Skills: Ninja warrior
Known Relatives: Brian (Captain Britain), James Jr. (brothers), James (father, deceased), Elizabeth (mother, deceased)
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, dyed purple
First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #2
Last Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #2
History: Before becoming a member of the X-Men, Elizabeth Braddock served the English government and temporary as Captain Britain. During this time, Mojo planted electronic eyes into her. Later, as a member of the X-Men, she crossed the Siege Perilous and was captured by the Mandarin. Her body was swapped with a ninja, Kwannon. Her eyes were then removed. Kwannon died when she was infected by the Legacy Virus. Much later, she was savagely attacked by Sabretooth. To save her, Wolverine and Archangel used the Crimson Dawn to revive her. She lost her telepathy to contain the Shadow King. She died while battling Vargas.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Deceased, killed by other Dark Riders
Group affiliation: Former member of the Dark Riders
First appearance: X-Factor #65
Last appearance: X-Men #23
History: Psynapse was an original member of the Dark Riders. He had served Apocalypse and Stryfe. He was killed by other Dark Riders who deemed him unfit for survival.


Real name: Unknown
Current Status: Former member of the Press Gang
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #235
History: Punchout is a member of the Genoshan Press Gang who hunts down escaped mutants of Genosha. Her fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.


Real name: St. John Allerdyce
Current status: Deceased, killed by the Legacy Virus
Group affiliation: Former member of Freedom Force & the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Powers: Animate fire
Weapons: 2 flamethrowers
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150 lbs
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #141
Last appearance: Cable #87
History: John Allerdyce was recruited by Mystique to join her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants which became Freedom Force. When the team was disbanded, he was discovered to have the Legacy Virus, which finally killed him.


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