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X-Men - U Page

U-Go GirlU-Go Girl

Real name: Edie Sawyer
Current status: Deceased
Group affiliation: Former member of the new commercial X-Force
Powers: Teleportation
First Appearance: X-Force #116
Last Appearance: X-Force #128
History: U-Go Girl was the last member of the new original commercial team of X-Force. After the team was destroyed, she challenged for leadership but lost to Orphan. However, she soon got into a romantic relationship with the latter but was killed on a space mission. 


Real name: Steve
Current status: Deceased, killed by Cyclops
Powers: Has 2 faces
First Appearance: New X-Men #114
Last Appearance: New X-Men #115
History: Ugly John was a recruit of Xavier's School by Cyclops and Wolverine. However, on the way back. they were attacked and captured by Sentinels. He was tortured and upon the brink of death, he was killed by Cyclops to end his suffering.


Group affiliation: Former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
First appearance: 
History: The uncreated is a race of atheist. Their ultimate goal is to destroy all religion in the galaxy. They managed to destroy a few planets before reaching Shi'ar where they were tricked to commit suicide by the Starjammers.



Real name: Angelo Unuscione @ Gunther Bain
Group affiliation: Former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Powers: Generate repelling force field
Known Relatives: Carmela (daughter)
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #8
History: Angelo Unuscione was recruited by Magneto to join his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Later, he returned as a member of Factor Three. Finally, he lost control of his powers and was killed. His daughter, Carmella joined Magneto's Acolytes. After the destruction of Genosha, he was found to be one of its survivors.


Real name: Camela Unuscione
Group affiliation: Member of the Acolytes
Powers: Create exo-skeleton force fields
Known Relatives: Angelo Unuscione (Unus, father, deceased)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #300
History: Camela Unuscione was one of the new Acolytes recruited by Magneto. Her father was Unus the Untouchable. She remained with the Acolytes after the fall of Avalon. Her current fate after the destruction of Genosha is unknown.


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