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Hello This is About me
My Name is Derrick  Revies I am a Single gay male I am 37 year old I am 5'5 with brown Hair and eyes I weight about 135 I currently Reside in the state of Minneosta in Minneapolis I am in the cities of a 10,000 Bottoms....lol..And I am not one of them I thought that I would put in here that if you would like to know more about me click on my dislikes and likes and it will also tell you more about me. I am also in Recovery I have been clean for a Year and 8 months and I am doing the Program of alcoholic's anonymous and Not my own program. I also found out that I have an Ego problem.But each day I  check my Ego at the door and keep an open mind and an open heart. I  do more for A.A. I am currently the G.S.R. For my Home Group and I am an Intergroup Rep for another. I believe that Alcoholic's anonymous have save my life and it could say yours too so that being said.If you think you may  have an alcohol Problem there is an Link that will link you to Alcoholic's anonymous Intergroup, I am Also Attending St paul college to get my Certificate as an Interperter for the deaf , which I have been working on doing for a long time and  never done it and now due to  having a god an strong sponsership and a strong home group  I am able to do it
Click here to go to my Dislikes  and click on the links to see  more too
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