About Me

Wow, you actually want to know more about me? Well, good for you! You get a cookie. ^_^

Name: Scooter

Age: 17

Location: The Armpit of America (Santa Fe, New Mexico.)

School: Santa Fe High (senior)

Occupation: Pizza Delivery Girl

Marital Status: *hangs head in shame*

Hobbies: Anime (duh), drawing, hockey, swing dancing, and... um... wasting time.

Favorite Anime: Trigun, Slayers, Lost Universe, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fushigi Yuugi, and Gunsmith Cats.

Fave Female Anime Character: Tie between Meryl and Lina Inverse

Fave Male Anime Character: VASH!!!!!!!! ^_^



Well, I finally fixed my scanner, so here's an actually decent picture of me. (It's one of my senior pics... those are chopsticks, not antennas...)

*Note* Stop emailing me about the cookie. I was just kidding.

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