Trigun Review

I assume you've already seen Trigun if you're even at this site, so I don't know why I put a review page here... Oh well...

Review by: Scooter
Series Title: Trigun
Dub/Sub?: Both (I have the DVD's...)
# of tapes reviewed: all the tapes that have been released so far (3)

Plot: After the first episode, three words came to mind: Western on Crack. When you first look at the box cover and the opening sequence, you expect this to be a really serious series... Boy was I wrong! The first tape is frickin' hilarious, but in the second and third tapes the plot really starts to thicken (and there are some good cliffhangers in this series... who the hell IS Rem anyway!?). Plus this is the only series I've seen that hold the value of human life above that of an insignificant insect. There are PLENTY of action scenes, but there are hardly any fatalities, and when someone does die, it hardly goes unnoticed. Anyway, on to the plot: this series is about this really kick-ass gunman, Vash the Stampede, who has a $$60,000,000,000 bounty on his head for some odd reason. You'd think this guy was some big 'ol mass murderer, but he's actually the only male anime character I've seen that'll actually avoid killing someone as much as possible (yes, it is actually possible... O_O). There's no record of him ever taking a life, but he has caused quite a bit of property damage... He's also equivalent to Carrot from Sorcerer Hunters. He's constantly chasing anything with a skirt! ^_^ He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would have a huge bounty on his head, and most people can't believe that he's really Vash the Stampede when they meet him. Since he causes a whole lot of destruction wherever he goes, the Bernardelli Insurance Company has sent two insurance representatives to find him and follow him around... Meryl Stryfe and Millie Thompson. Meryl's constantly bitching out Vash whenever he's chasing a girl or causing mass destruction... For some reason I really like Meryl... Millie is basically Meryl's opposite, she's really sweet and laid back, if not a little oblivious at times. In the third tape we meet Nicholas Wolfwood, a traveling priest who might be just as good a gunman as Vash, even though he claims he's never shot a gun before. (He sure doesn't LOOK like a priest either...) I could go on for another hour about this series, but I don't wanna give anything away... God I hope the fourth tape gets released soon!!! ^_^

Animation/images: The animation is SWEET! OVA quality for a TV series! Damn straight!!!

Sound/Music/Dubbing/Subtitles: This is actually the BEST dubbed anime I've ever seen. I might like it better than the subtitled version! O_o They didn't bother to edit out the swearing, and Vash's voice-actor must have done some serious research on his character! He's PERFECT! Actually all the main characters have wonderful voice-actors. The only problem are a couple very minor characters, some of their voices could be a lot better, but at least they only appear in one episode. ^_^ The music kicks ass, but it's one of those things where you'll either love it or hate it. I personally love the soundtrack, but it depends on your taste of music.

Favorite Character: I LOOOOOOOOOVE Vash!!!!!!!!!!! He royally kicks ass!!! He's an ace gunman, but he doesn't fire a single shot until the fifth episode! How cool is that!? Actually I love both Vash and Meryl about the same... I think they would make a great couple... ^_~

What made me scream "Make it stop!": Actually, nothing really... except there's this weird fucking cat (kuroneko-sama) that keeps showing up randomly in the series (Jeena and I have dubbed it "That Weird Fucking Cat"). He's not really bad at all, just.......WEIRD.

Scale of 1-10: 13!!! ^_^

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