King's Park

Notice the color of the thorax of this butterfly; it has the same pattern and color with Monarch and Monarch mimic butterflies.  They are usually found resting on tree tops.



 This is a Cabbage White Butterfly which can be seen all seasons in South China.
These are probably mimics of the famous monarch butterfly; However, mimics found in China are usually blue in color and are called 'Blue Tigers'.


   This butterfly is common to see in the summer; but I didn't spend time to search its latin name.


 One of the most horrible  experience is capturing this gigantic prayer mantis; feels like alien

 This is neither a butterfly nor a moth; this is a Skipper; it is very small and each flying range is very short; looks like jumping.


    This dragon fly is just 3mm long; I used a 3X long shot and a 3+ magnifying lens to capture this view.



Just one move and I'll be dead, older Chinese call this "Tiger Bee". It lives alone under the bottom of a chair in a small park.

Anyone who knows the English and Latin names of this butterfly, please give me an email; I couldn't find it in all reference.

It took me three hours under 32 degrees Celsius to capture this swallow-tail butterfly. It is long time ago, I don't quite remember its Latin name is Papileo Polytus feeding on Aristolochiae ?? The background is a hospital.



 This is the very famous silver fish which feeds on your clothes; may be your grandparents had seen it many year ago. Nowadays it is almost extinct.


This table shows samples of ferns, the main food for herbivorous dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs were dead, but different kinds of ferns still survive to modern times.


This is King's Park, an oasis inside the culture desert Hong Kong.

 Lone Ranger, Benji.

Another place I used to go is Jeung Sheung, a small pleateau on the

eastern part of Hong Kong. Though there are no butterflies there,

the air is clean and refreshing. There are also a small herbs farm

and a small primary school and a basket ball field up there.

You can see huge pigs and cows walking around.
 Benji taking photos with his Ricoh earned by summer job.