Doujinshi Scans

Just a little here... and we do not know the artists! These were just sent to us. Kindly inform us if you're the artist or you know who the artists are so that we can give them the proper recognition and credit for a job well done! Oh yeah, if you have some doujinshi scans of any of the Hunks or all of them or some of them together, please kindly send those to us! We'd greatly appreciate them! ^^

Rufus in Costa del Sol...surrounded by women
Rufus saying something about Sephiroth
Vincent talks to Lucrecia at the bridge...
Vincent sleeps inside a coffin
Sephiroth seems agitated...
Sephiroth...looks enticing. Mwahaha
Cloud and Sephiroth
Assumed height difference between Ruffy & Sephy
Cover of "Mambo de Jenova"

Sent in by ShinRa Bleeding Beauty
Cloud and Rufus arguing
Cloud as a Soldier
Rufus ShinRa, handsome as always
Rufus posing
Rufus looking proud
Gonna flip his hair again, huh?
Rufus's "pets". Sephiroth is chained to Rufus.
Sephiroth and his Masamune

Sent in by OneWinged Sephiroth
Whoa... Cloud is up to something... *NEW*
Sephiroth looks rather... enticing here. *NEW*
Sephiroth is Rufus's pet. *_* *NEW*
Vincent from "Satan Impact"
Vincent... again, from "Satan Impact"

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